Monday, January 30, 2023

Vlad love: Chihiro Chimatsuri

  A beautiful lady who is the Seijumonji High School nurse and the Chimatsuri Blood Research Institute director. Although she is wild and has a potty mouth, she is kind at heart. She becomes interested in Mai (especially her blood) and supports Mitsugu. She creates a Blood Donation Club at school and becomes its advisor to gather food for Mai and collect rare blood to pursue her own interest.


  1. I'm sorry, but if they think she's beautiful, they need to have their glasses checked. The feet are fine of course. I bet this series is about some sort of vampire or Dracula or something like that, because the name of Vlad I think is a reference to Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Dracula.

  2. The Miharaze Drawn feet website has been temporarily closed :(

    1. I'm aware Shadow. Although I can still see everything that's there, we can't add anything new. It has something to do with images being copyrighted. What a crock! Don't worry, they'll get through it.

    2. >It has something to do with images being copyrighted
      Reminds me of that shit they were trying to pull with the Trans-Pacific Partnership wanting to DMCA everything, especially fanart, and making it where screenshots and other derivatives can no longer be categorized under fair use across the entire net. Well, fug.

    3. I think you hit the nail right on the head there Ben.
