Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Digimon Adventure (1999): Kari's Debut

This is from Episode 21 where Tai and Koromon were sucked back to Tokyo in the real world as they went to Tai's house and saw Kari was there due to not much time has passed since their time at the Digital World. Later, Tai got a email message from Izzy not to return due to him being under the control of Vademon in his pocket dimension. Soon after, digital monsters popped up in the real world causing some damage despite some people aware of their presence. In order to find his friends and put a stop to this, Tai must return to the Digital World with Koromon who Digivolved into Agumon to fight Orgeman.


  1. Instead of Kari's debut it should be called one of the best episodes of the entire franchise.

    1. Is it because it felt very movie-like than anything of the show had?

  2. Oh Kari, you have such cute feet.
