Friday, April 28, 2023

Custom's Picks: Trigun: Badlands Rumble

This movie is about Vash get involved with an infamous outlaw named Gasback during a band robbery, with the leader Cain escaping with the money, leaving Gasback to be arrested by the police. Vash himself tried to stop Gasback from killing any of the others but ended up escaping and continued his life of as an criminal. 20 years later, Cain became the mayor of Macca City and used the stolen money from the robbery to upgrade the city's power plant and make a bronze statue of himself. Meanwhile, while Meryl and Milly were assigned to keep Macca City safe from intruders, Vash arrives there after helping out a redhead woman named Amelia from being beaten up despite the fact, she gets hives from being touched by men as she wanted to get revenge on Gasback for the death of her mother. Elsewhere, Gasback wanted to take down Cain after abandoning him from the bank robbery two decades ago and he got some help from Nicholas D. Wolfwood to do it.


  1. I know I've seen this before, but what on Earth was Vash thinking?!

    1. Obviously what we're all thinking, only he's acting that part out and doesn't ascared of restraining orders.
