Monday, May 8, 2023

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Young Tifa

These are from her childhood days when she was 8 and 13. This is from Children's Day in Japan last Friday where families fly carp-shaped windsocks called koinobori with their children that are cute dolls or armor while eating dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves called chimaki and rice cakes with red-bean paste called Kashiwa mochi. 

When she was eight years old, Tifa wore a white dress. The dress has pockets, which is designed to make it very convenient for her. She also shows off her fashion sense in wearing socks with her lace-up sandals. At thirteen, she graduated to wearing no socks with her sandals, which now have a higher heel. She also foregoes pockets, though she doesn’t have a bag with her to carry any items. Tifa consistently wore her hair loose when she was young.  

These are from the game's Twitter's page.