Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Halloween Witchy Feet

Happy Halloween, everybody! Let's not getting trick by any anime witches for their treats on their feet in their shoes? If you have an cute or hot witch make you a test subject for her footwear and feet, would you accept that?


  1. Replies
    1. >UGH!
      c'mon, fighting over feet is pointless, just be bros.

    2. We have to put aside our differences and get along with each other.

    3. I imagine you are sick of these posts.

    4. >what are you two talking about?
      Dunno, just the impression I got from a couple of unhappy cues left on recent posts.
      >I imagine you are sick of these posts
      There aren't many regulars left so some activity is better than no activity. Though I do miss KSC's Halloween mega posts.

    5. @Benny: I just want to have fun with you guys, not to fuss or argue over feet.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. >I just want to have fun with you guys

    8. @Benny: I mean, yes, I do have my own problems with how feet look in certain female characters but it's just my personal opinion and not just who gets what in posts.

    9. Sure, it's impossible to satisfy everybody and yourself at the same time, cause everyone has their own unique predilections and inclinations. There's a /tkr/ board on 8chan.moe, that's more foot focused, yet I can't stand how a lot of the art that ends up there is just DA tier, generic, copy-pasted looking shit. But, hey, that's me.

  2. There's also Glinda's twin sister, Melinda the Mean, in the second segment of Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz Season 3, Episode 4: The New Beast of the East. She shows the munchkins her stinky right foot and wiggles her toes as she wants one or more of them to give her a foot massage as she says "Let's start with the foot!".
