Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior: Pride Royal Ivy

  Although she sometimes uses cunning, she is fundamentally kind, aware of her unique skill and "cheats" and has a habit of internally showing her Imposter Syndrome down to her core, but slowly realizes although she is the Pride of her video game, at her core she is more like the reincarnated School girl who resides in the Princess. Her past self-used to be a great baker, being able to make extravagant sweets like homemade chocolate, cookies, brownies, sweet loaves and even candy, but since becoming Pride, one of her skills makes her dishes always becoming charred burned blocks of mistakes, which makes her extremely frustrated because even if she follows the recipes to the letter, no matter how long it's in the oven it automatically becomes burned to a crisp.


  1. I just want you to draw Emilia Christie from the detective pikachu game in 5 parts.

    1. Emilia would say Do you like my shoes? And someone say yes.

    2. A close up to Emilia’s feet wearing her shoes.

    3. Emilia would say You want me to take them off? Ok.

    4. Emilia takes her shoes off.

    5. Emilia wiggles her toes.

  2. Awesome! Although I wouldn't have wanted to see the tongue.

    1. Oh, you don't have to apologize, Dean. That's just my own personal tastes.

  3. Oh boy do I envy the guy kissing and licking that beautiful foot. 😍
