Monday, October 30, 2023

Undead Unluck: Gina Chamber (Episode 4)

She's a former member of the organization, Union and an Negator. She's an elderly Russian who have the ability, "Unchange" to prevent any change in inanimate objects in order to make herself look younger and to freeze her age in place and Barrier Creation which can create barriers in various shapes. She got a crush on Andy but he killed her so that his friend, Fuuko could replace her in the Union. Her Unchange ability was manifested when the UMA Heat destroyed her home village which led her powers freeze the air and killed many lives from suffocation. The reason why she goes barefooted is because of her ability being used throughout her hands and feet and can be rip apart clothing so she leaves them both exposed to freely use her powers.


  1. Fighting barefoot girls are always awesome/

  2. It's funny... when Fuuko first encounters Gina, she has a pair of platform shoes on, but when she leaps onto the water and begins using Unchange, they've vanished. She's never shown removing them in either the anime or manga, and she has her beret sent to her on command. I wonder if her shoes are modified to disappear and reappear when Gina deems that she is battle-ready or posing as a civilian.

  3. This girl is the reason I looking forward to this show.

  4. Replies
    1. Stop this bickering over posts and continue what you're working on since there aren't that many members who posts as much as we do.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Another lovely barefooter! I'll be looking forward to seeing more of her!

  6. Never really been a fan of the incomplete leggings. There really is no point to them. She might as well go completely barefoot.
