Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Devil is a Part-Timer!: Alas Ramus (season 2)

 Around 300 years ago, Lailah, Emilia's mother, met and rescued a young Satan from the brink of death upon the destruction of his tribe by a random rogue demon. She oversaw his recovery back to full health, sharing with him much knowledge in the process. Before she left, she gave him a purple crescent-shaped crystal. During the course of the next hundreds of years, Satan rose as the Demon Lord, recruited other demons as his army, and gradually united the demon race into one single empire using the knowledge Lailah imparted to him. He planted the crystal in a garden within his castle, and it grew into a tree. All that time, Satan had no idea that it was a Yesod fragment.

season 2 part 2


  1. Beyond adorable! Amazing how she came into being.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. >Beelzebub now Satan back-to-back
    Something, something, I hate antichrist, but this is still the show that has Emi Yusa so I'll inevitably go astray at some point. The shit women make ya do...
