Monday, December 23, 2024

Dark Gathering:Yayoi Houzuki

  Yayoi is a girl obsessed with the occult stemming from her desire for revenge on Kuubo for taking her mother's spirit. She will do almost anything to save her. That includes using any kinds of ghost, even if they are extremely evil.

Despite this obsession she has a strong moral compass. She will punish ghost that have killed many people, but she will be kind to those who unwillingly became corrupted. She knows that what she is doing is dangerous and will always put the safety of others as her top priority. She loves her friends and family dearly and has a strong desire to protect them.


  1. Hot Topic ain't got nothing on this loli.

  2. What episode did he give her a piggyback?

  3. Replies
    1. She's lucky that's all she got from trying to pokemon capture a literal fucking goddess.

    2. kek, well technically she's also truly is a "fucking goddess" in nature, since Kishimojin/Hariti now represents child birth or in other words a goddess of fertility(sex).

      **spoiler**Yayoi tried to obtain the power of the goddess Kishimojin for her cause but the ordeal proved too overwhelming, even for her. The only reason she survived in the first place is because that particular goddess vowed to never harm children ever again, as she once did in her prior nature.
      So Yayoi is incredibly lucky Kishimojin went easy on her and all she got away with was a sprained foot.** end spoiler**

  4. Uh I asked what episode did she get piggybacked

  5. Replies
    1. Oh okay just asking and merry Christmas Eve everyone
