Saturday, December 14, 2024

I'm Quitting Heroing Foot Festival

Welcome back to the Foot Festival series. Continuing with the isekai genre, we will be heading to another fantasy world with Leo Demonheart in I'm Quitting Heroing. This bizarre futuristic yet medieval world could have some female mages and knights for some foot fun, would you like to have your foot fetish fix on girls like Echidna and Lili?


  1. I know it's unrelated to this but I just wanted to ask somewhere, do you have caps of Alice Gear Aegis Expansion?

    1. And that's also crazy cause I just finished watching that 2 days ago.
      Yotsuyu best girl.

  2. How odd because I'm actually in the mist of watching this one, Echidna best girl btw.
    Also, I almost misinterpreted the title as "I'm Quitting Foot Festivals", wew...
