Monday, December 9, 2024

Pedicure Love

Would you love to give any female character you love a nice pedicure once she asked you for one right before Christmas?


  1. I would give Prosecutor Sena from Konosuba a nice long pedicure, along with Yukari Yukino from The Garden of Words, and Jugyeong Lin from True Beauty because those three are beautiful.

    1. That's great for your love on those girls you mentioned.

    2. Thanks, I hope Prosecutor Sena from Konosuba returns on season 4 because she is truly beautiful in her uniform and glasses, plus you can't really blame her too much due to her doing her job efficiently and for all the trouble that Kazuma and his party cause and his bad reputation.

  2. Not really into pedicures or being whipped into little errand boy type activities but if it's for my waifu... I guess only once in a while ain't so bad.
