Friday, January 10, 2025

Fanart Friday: Akiza Izinski (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)

While she didn’t really do much for me, I will say that she is the last good Yu-Gi-Oh! girl since everyone after that is kind of mid or subpar at best. Honestly, Yu-Gi-Oh! animes in general stopped being good after 5D’s if I’m being completely honest. Artists featured in this post are RebelminderZerofootsolletickleBSFLoveMichio-chanTamakiKousakaKrazyKamikaze44koter29BadCrabsportyanimeM-DNVirtualFairy536760849aVivDaniiTKjetga, yunomigx (No Longer on Deviantart), naokirourou ill & mayday. Also, starting now, I am going to list a bunch of emojis that will hint next week’s character, try to see if you can guess the character, so………

Next Week’s Character:



  1. I love her feet and I do missed watching 5D's. By the way, have you guys noticed that Akiza looked like Karen Stadfeld from Code Geass?

  2. >mid
    God's name is this newfangled language I keep hearing, can't get away from it.

    Sorry, Aki is the Yu-girl. No one compares, not even Anzu.
    She could've had better development later on though, kinda got second-banana'ed to that Crow fag. Can't be having even resemblance of semi-romantic relations on a card commercial cartoon, I guess.

  3. I'm not sure about that first picture.

  4. I'm not really familiar with her, but she looks cool.
