Friday, January 3, 2025

More Custom Fanart

Today, I'm sharing a couple images I've been wanting to share for a while now, and a couple new ones too. They're girls from various series, and I'm also providing their original images for a comparison. The bare feet were edited into all the images by me. As always, feel free to comment below, as well as on posts from our other contributors today. 

First up, Sakura Kuriyagawa from Key the Metal Idol. Both images of the late and sexy heroine were custom colored by me.

Next, young Gwen Stacy in civilian form from Spidey and his Amazing Friends.

And finally, the title duo from Les Sisters, the loving yet equally violent and destructive, Wendy and Marine Mauri. Their TV series style eyes were edited in over their comic book beady style eyes by me in all four images.

Cheers to another great year! Thanks for viewing.


  1. Oh, it's that weird baguette cartoon that totally didn't rip off the design for Calvin & Hobbes.
    I never understood the blonde's predisposition towards one sock.

    1. Oh yeah, in the comics. Well I'm actually glad that didn't carry over to the TV series. On top of that, in the TV series, they don't regularly wear any socks.

    2. >French cartoon changes things from comic
      Otacon:...Just like my Japanese animes...

  2. I do appreciate your love for barefooted girls in pants.

  3. I wish Gwen was barefoot in the episodes

  4. Oh wow... really nice post Dan. Great customizations. :-)
