Monday, February 24, 2025

The Founding Mothers of Foot Fetishism

I didn’t pick these women because I like them but because these are the animated women I believe had the biggest roles & influences in molding our foot fetishes. This is my own opinion so take with a grain of salt.

1. Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Before Moana, before Rapunzel there was Ariel who in my opinion gave most of us 90s kids our foot fetishes back in the day. She didn’t give me mine, but a lot of this movie revolved on her getting legs & feet & they had a good amount of focus. You could go even further with the film, Cinderella, but she doesn’t show her tootsies long enough in the movie to make that big of an impact. I consider her one of the firsts in Foot Fetish fuel.

2. Radical Edward (Cowboy Bebop)

Being one of the earliest animes to come out in US during the 90s along with Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Pokémon, Gundam and all the the other animes we’ve seen on Toonami Radical Edward who we probably thought was a guy the first time watching became a part of our intricate journey to foot fetishism. When Edward is first introduced, we see that she uses her feet to type on her computer, an impressive act that requires prehensility in her toes. She was probably the first one we’ve seen who had skilled feet.

3. Sakura Haruno (Naurto)

I know that Hinata is most popular Naurto girl but hear me out: I know people generally don’t like Sakura as a character because in the grand scheme of things she’s kinda useless but in the original series she’s the main female protagonist & the one we saw the most. Plus this was probably the first series we saw at a really young age where all the females wore open toed shoes meaning we’d get to see there feet nearly every episode & as the main female protagonist we saw hers most of the time.

4. Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

For those raised in the early to mid 2000s the character that made you into feet was probably Toph Beifong. She never did for me but she sure as hell did it for everyone else. Having a barefoot main character is always going to be a plus especially when they give you good close ups & sole shots and Toph delivers on both of them.

5. Maylene (Pokémon Diamond & Pearl)

Fitting that a character from my all time favorite franchise would be a founding mother. The first female barefoot Gym Leader. If you haven’t played the games you definitely seen the anime. The Diamond & Pearl era was one of my favorite generations of Pokémon. There’s a reason they call her “The Barefoot Fighting Genius” but there’s also a reason why she’s barefoot all the time & it’s because she believes that being barefoot is healthier than wearing footwear, pointing out that Pokémon go barefoot. She even walk in the snow barefoot. She’s a founding mother of foot fetishism because she has the passion and determination to her feet.

6. Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater)

Probably the only anime we’d watch only for the bad guy. She was the kinda person who’d torture you which was a bonus if that was your thing as well. Also like Maylene & Radical Edward she’s very expressive with her feet. She wiggles her toes a good amount. She’s basically the Founding Mother of foot torture & trampling. The anime may have been short lived but Medusa’s beautiful feet will live on.

7. Rapunzel (Tangled)

15 years ago Disney blessed with this beautiful barefoot princess. She’s the Ariel for Gen Alphas meaning she gave Gen Alpha kids their foot fetishes the same way Ariel did for Millennials. However, unlike Ariel Rapunzel is barefoot throughout the entire movie. Plenty of close ups, has her own TV series where she’s always barefoot as well. It’s even stated that she hates wearing shoes. So much like Maylene she’s a barefooter by choice.


  1. I never knew Maylene had an actual reason for being barefoot.

  2. Oh, and least you aren't being a douchebag about how these are all YOUR opinions.

    1. Are you saying that Gumball is a douchebag? Why not tell your OWN opinions on this post?

    2. Wait, are you trying to roast me?

  3. I would hardly consider Sakura definitive for influencing foot fetishism, but the rest, absolutely!

    1. I would replace Sakura with Morgiana from Magi.

    2. While he was remiss to not include Morgiana, this was what was considered fetishistic during early aughts. I would just include the concept of Naruto, popularizing the open-toe style, as a whole, being very impactful. Sakura's just the most prolific character to represent that.

    3. I guess I can see that, but sandals don't do anything for me. She has to be completely barefoot to catch my eye.

    4. @Layne: But dirty feet are your style and beautiful to you.

  4. I see, so this is going chronologically from the blogger's perspective in shaping foot fetish trends over time.
    Maybe only partially Ariel for me, but til this day, I never actually finished watching the whole movie lel. Now the earliest influences on my cartoon foot fetish, in no particular order, were the Dot movies in the 80s, Heidi's Song, Olive Oyl...
    Perhaps above all though, it was the April O'Neil tickling scene that had the most profound affect on me and possibly shaping my tickle fetish as well.

    1. The women I listed didn’t mold me in particular. These are just the women that I believe molded many foot fetishes throughout the years.

    2. Funny thing is, pre-internet, there wasn't a single thing that didn't mold me, KeK. Even Peppermint Patty and Gadget. I just robotically latched on to anything I saw, limited availability and all. Anime was super obscure and Pre-90s/80s foot(non-furry)cartoonists weren't exactly making inroads yet, hiding their power levels.

  5. I can agree with all these choices. Your reasoning is like spot on.
