Friday, March 7, 2025

Fanart Friday: Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater)

Medusa one of the founding mothers of anime foot fetish content gets her own Fanart Friday post. Artists featured in this post are Netto-PainterxMonsterGirlsHideoutpuffypinkpawsRoger72YamatoMrBelmont273BSFLoveTinsayEro-MRTheOctoberScarfmagion02scamwichhofit-milSuperSloggerLucasHikaruCoco-BeanzJinksLizardKuraKaminariStudNinetheepic627 & Bad-Pierrot.

Next Week’s Character:

🐍 : She’s known as the “Snake Witch”

πŸ” : Her primary type of magic is using Vector arrows & she also has arrows painted on her finger and toenails.

πŸ‘£: She walks barefoot


  1. A another right guess in the bag.^^
    Okay πŸ‘️πŸ“–πŸ’¨πŸ”₯⚡
    This is a tough one.

    1. The fire and lightning make me think of a ninja skills the book must mean it's a very smart girl but the eye and smok are throwing me off a little bit.

    2. Just going to go with my gut.
      Is the nexts girl Sarada Uchiha?
      I swear i really don't know i feel like i'm wrong on this one.

    3. >Sarada Uchiha
      Didn't think of that(that's a book?), figured it was some Avatar shit but the eye through me off. Can't say I'm entirely familiar with either shows though.

    4. Going to be honest that was my second guess. I thought it was Korra but forgive me but she's not that smart.

    5. >Whorra
      She isn't.
      But was thinking the lady from the older show, that bends lightning or something. Don't know her name.
      Speaking of Sarada, recently finished Shitbudan so may have to get caught up with Burrito at some point.

  2. Medusa got cute wiggling toes despite being a villainess.
