Monday, April 15, 2013

Artist of The Week: RG

Okay, first off, sorry for not replying to your comments if I haven't yet. I've been held up with school and finals coming. Second, get ready for a massive upload of posts by yours truly because I don't know when I'll be able to get back on here. I'm gonna post as much stuff as I can and then leave that as sort of my retribution for leaving for so long then removing all my old stuff from here. I'm sorry if I'm not back for a while. I got school crap to take care of.

Alrighty, while surfing the net, I came across an art site directly from Japan called Pixiv. There I found out about amazing artist RG. He's a pretty good artist and he knows how to do detail really well so I figured why not introduce him to the rest of you guys? You want to know why RG is so respected?

I think his art speaks for itself lol.


  1. This artist is quite good, but still makes some simple errors.

    For example, in the pic of the girl with a shoe size 24.0cm, notice the arch on the outside edge of the left foot (pressing against the floor) is quite pronounced, where it should be a nearly straight line.

    In the pic of the girl with shoe size 25.0cm, the four small toes on the left foot have toe pads of differing diameters, where they should be close to the same diameter.

    1. I am amazed by how good you are at spotting stuff like that. I never would have been able to tell.

    2. I've been looking at pictures of feet for ~20 years. These things jump out at me and spoil an otherwise very nice image.

  2. I love his work, I'm always looking forward to more from him.

  3. Ohhhh man. O_O I've seen this guy. He draws the best looking feet I have ever seen ever.

  4. I got him Friended on Pixiv as well. I've asked for requests (I'm backwalk, so you can guess what I requested) with no luck. Still, someday he MIGHT have the girls use their feet on a boy!

    1. What's your secret to navigating that damn site? I keep on having to use Google translate to come up with what I want to search for. You're called backwalk on there? I'm on there too by the same name. I don't really post anything on there, but my favorites may tickle your fancy er, no pun intended.

      I know man!! I want to see these cuties pampered, worshiped and tickled so bad!!!

  5. Replies
    1. lolz I'm sure we all will lol. Glad you liked it man. Thanks for the support.

  6. Wow...this artist is really great!! Awesome post Heretichero. ^_^

    1. He's from Japan so of course he's gonna be great lol!! Thanks for the comment man!! Unfortunately he hasn't updated in a long time but hopefully he'll come back. Better yet, we should all try to message him and see if he'd be interested in doing something for us lol.
