Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pokemon girls

Another tribute to loose art.



  1. Wow, there's a ton of great pics here! Very nice.

    I still say that explicit pics shouldn't be on this site, though, even if censored. Just to keep things clean.

    1. I think they'll be fine.

      I don't plan on doing it again anyway.

    2. S'okay. :) I honestly don't mind too much about these things, but I know some people will throw a fit about it.

  2. well i am losing any hope for this site. A good amount of these pictures dont even have foot shots in them and again seeing sexually explicit pics despite how clearly that rule of this blog is to remain clean.

    well until this site finally cleans up its act or KSC finally returns... bye

    1. There's only two explicit pics here (and one of them is already gone apparently), and Bambino says he's planning to do any more. And there's only a couple that don't have any shots with feet. The good pics far outweigh the bad, I'd say.

      I don't think it warrants leaving the site. Bambino and and Heretichero are just trying out different things to see what works and what doesn't. It's not worth really getting mad over. <:/

    2. Dude, there's only like three or four of them without foot shots, sometimes you have to show the characters in a normal pose in at least one pic, short of like an introduction.

    3. Thank You Dead-meat. I'm glad at least one person understands that. Granted, the name of the blog is anime feet but we can't be obsessed to the point its unhealthy. If we didn't focus on the rest of the character we'd be going crazy in our own fetish. If there weren't any non-foot shot pics then we wouldn't even know who the girls were.

    4. I went through them all and didn't find anything over explicit

  3. Can't please everyone all of the time.

  4. I'm glad to see someone has gone outside the box of screen caps. Nice finds dude. Excellent work you did here gathering some good looking Pokegirls. Keep it up

  5. Great pieces, good to see they are of more than one character.

  6. Great set of pictures Bambino :D now if only i knew more than 4-5 of the girls lol

    A source for the picture of May/Haruka with Skitty on the back of ??? would be nice as i think thats the best of the set :D

    1. The Pokemon's name is Mightyena. The artist is called Yuza.

    2. Awesome many thanks for the source link :D

  7. 0_o Very second picture!!!! WTF Is a NORMAL NON-POKEMON DOG doing in that picture!?!?

  8. Atomic Chinchilla covered the way I feel about this post very nicely.

    In addition to that, we have to try to keep the posts as PG as possible because I want the site to be available to the public.

    Foot fetish material is controversial enough as it is and we don't need to give foot haters excuses to flag the blog.

    For the most part you guys handled the situation very well (minus some name calling). I'm happy that I didn't have to step in for this one. I know that you worked hard on this Bambino and it was a nice post but please be more cautious in the future.

    1. Really? Any video from YouTube that has foot fetish material is either removed or get an Content Warning due to being inappropriate to some viewers despite some are harmless like foot tickling and massaging.
