Sunday, June 9, 2013

Superman's Girlfriend: Lois Lane

This is more of a follow up to the last segment than part two of the tribute. Lois actually had her own monthly series for a period of time. The series titled "Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane" ran from from 1954 - 1978 for a total of 137 issues and 2 annuals. It pretty impressive for a supporting cast member. I wasn't able to find the series to cap for you guys but I was able to get a hold of its cover gallery. Here are some of the highlights including some great barefoot scenes. :-D

Cat fights
That last one puts Catfight into a completely different context.


Domination Innuendos



Some Others
As good as the above covers are...the series also had one cover that tops all others. 

Best Comic Cover of All Time!!!!
You tell them Superman!! :-D When I first saw this one, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It still makes me smile every time I see it. 

Ok everyone that's all for tonight. I just want to give a massive thank you to DaytonaRacer500 for tipping me off to this series.

Have a good night and more Lois Feet Tributes still to come!!


  1. Replies
    1. I'll try Lionel. ^_^ I have a couple of pics for her new 52 incarnation and some from her older series but I'm trying to find more material for her.
