Friday, November 15, 2013

Katawa Shoujo: Rin Tezuka

Katawa Shoujo is a free visual novel that takes place in Yamaku High School, a special academy for people with disabilities. One of the central characters and a possible love interest for the player character is Rin Tezuka. Rin was born without arms and has learned to use her feet in place of hands. She can use her toes as expertly as anyone else's fingers, and she's a skilled artist who paints with her feet. She has a very odd, philosophical personality and her mind is constantly wandering. She's oblivious to a lot of social cues and can't convey her feelings and intentions through normal conversation, wanting people to understand her through her art. She's an enjoyable character and her quirks are very endearing.


  1. Wow...great post Atomic Chinchilla. ^_^ Those are probably the most talented feet ever posted on this site. :-D

    1. Thank ya, KSC. Toe-typing is one thing but toe-painting is in a league of its own. XD

  2. She reminds me of Christy Brown. :)

    1. Yeah, there are a number of skilled people like that. I've even seen an armless woman who can fly a plane with her feet. :)

  3. I wish I was the main character now cuz I SO wanna play with those feet :p
