Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Yo, Intro and Cana Alberona Post =D

Hello I go by destinydueler on here =D, some may have stumbled on to my page on devinatart on there I'm dragonodestiny, I don't have any impressive art or anything but I do tend to get a lot of commission work done so there's that. I've been on here for a few years I comment now and then =D, and I'm really glad to be able to finally post on here.

For My first post I thought I'd post my favorite Anime girl at this time =D, Cana Alberona from Fairy Tail. Most people seem to like Erza and/or Lucy from the series, I'm not really to fond of them, I was at first but I think they tend to be a bit too over rated, and take away from of the other girls in the series.

I'm not exactly sure why Cana struck a chord with me but she almost instantly became my favorite. Cana is a fun loving girl who likes to relax, with a love for alchohol actually love may be to weak a word as 30% of the liquor budget is due to her drinking habits, and she rarely gets drunk. She doesn't really care to much for personal space and can get a little grabby and flirty at times, but is usually in a jesting manor.

She is a potential S-Class mage, and the daughter of Fair Tails strongest Mage. She also has great magical potential, and can use the advanced Spell, Fairy Glitter. She cares for her friends greatly and strayed from the path once just to gain approval from her father. Cana is also is a makeshift leader taking over when no one else is around. 

Cana almost always wears Sandals, wearing boots during the end of an arc, and on a chapter page, and she goes barefoot in the guild a lot when sitting on tables. I wouldn't mind being her foot stool while she drinks all day or pampering her feet while she relaxes and drinks =D. 

Also sorry for the cropped pics, I try to keep characters seperate or to remove the men from them so sorry if that upsets anyone 

Sorry for all the babbling without further ado

 This is from Mashimas Twitter

Also I got permission from a few artists I had commissioned from deviantart to post a few of the pics I got from them as long as I posted their usernames

 by alomar53

by Briel7


by Solesartist

 by Katzueki

There you go my first post hope it was alright =D and everythings okay
I have more pics in my favorites folder  on my deviantart page under things I've Requested and Commissioned, a few are private so if you want them contact me, and I'll do my best to get them to you, just don't go spreading them everywhere please =)


  1. Awesome first post Destiny Dueler. Cana is massively hot and has some really great scenes. :-) Thanks very much for posting her. Just be a little careful of the bath scenes. Some of the material borders the pg-13 line a little bit close for comfort. Regardless...it's an excellent post.

    Guys...I'm going to be out of commission for a bit while my laptop gets repaired so this might be my last comment for awhile. All of the posters here have really been knocking the ball out of the park lately so I think that I'm leaving the site in good hands. :-)

    1. Sorry to hear that, KSC! I'll work on some new material during the interim. :)

    2. Thanks Atomic Chinchilla. :-) I got my Laptop back this morning. Luckily the shop was able to recover my data but now I'm going through the tedious process of reinstalling all the programs I had on it. It's going to be a long week. ^_^;

    3. Hey KSC don't listen to Dean. I haven't been on this site since late june/early July. Then all of a sudden yesterday I get an email of a response from this post that's 5 years old. This post is 5 years old and it's from Dean calling her a lol "Lane character. " How desperate do you have to be for attention/to cause trouble that you go to a 5 yr old post and comment on it?

      Then he asks you to ban me for responding to his new posts? I've been here longer than him and I've contributed more posts and stuff than he has. He started all of this, was minding my own business when he poked the lions cage. If anyone should be banned it's Dean. He's shown time and time again that he's petty he'll start arguments for no reason, and keep posting comments with petty insults towards others characters or beliefs. If anything take his posting rights away.

    4. I wasn't going to ban you Destiny Dueler but neither of you should be getting that upset over fictional characters. It is fine if you don't like the same things but you guys shouldn't be taking it personally.

    5. Oh I know. I actually don't get mad at that. It's him going out of his way to bother me. I mean minding my own business and him going on a half decade old post just to make a comment is pretty annoying. As for him not liking my character I honestly don't care. I asked him to explain once and any reason he stated was contradicted by the source material. Plus I only commented on all his stuff just to show him what it was like. He doesn't register on my radar otherwise. He's an insignificant unintelligible bother to me who only hates the characters I like, because I happen to not like his favorite character (That's really all there is to it he's that petty)

      I don't take the character thing personally, but I do hate being bothered by fleas for no good reason, especially when they have no good reason to do it other than spite.

      Not sure if you can reason with him but tell him to leave me alone.

      Also FYI, when he says I start something. He always starts it then deletes his posts, then blames me.

      Think about it before he appeared did I ever cause any problems?

    6. The comment logs support your statement. I've already talked with Dean about this.

      Yeah I think we've devoted enough time to a 5 year old argument so let's not dwell on this any further. I've made the request to you both to try to get along with each other and both of you seem to be ok with at least keeping out of each other's way so I think let's just leave it at that. I'll clear any volatile comments as needed if it comes to that but please do your best not to escalate things on your end. I've told Dean the same thing.

  2. Thank you and yeah sorry bout that =(, I wasn't too sure probably should've asked about that

    Seeya when I seeya

    1. No problem. ^_^ It was just slightly on the borderline and since I was going to be away for a bit I was being extra cautious. It was still a great post. :-)


  3. I'm not familiar with Fairy Tail but the author seems to share a common interest with us. XD

    If you're interested in more art of Cana or anyone else, I'm always open for commissions on DA. :)

    1. It's a good series not the best but it's really good, I believe he does there are quite a few foot scenes in the series =)

      =D sure when I acquire some more funds I'd be glad too =)

    2. Awesome! Drop me a note any time. :D
