Friday, June 17, 2016

AF News: Twitter, Summer Marathon Etc

Hey guys. This one's another news related post. First things first... a Big Welcome Back to Bambino who got back from Break last week. If you noticed the increase in posting recently... He is responsible for it. ^_^

I want to apologize for not posting the last two parts of the Harley tribute yet. I got sidetracked last week doing some behind the scenes work on the site as well as juggling some projects. They both should be up later this week.

Two big announcements...

First I launched a new twitter account associated with the site here:
Right now it's still in the testing phase with me and the moderators tweaking it but eventually all the posters on the site will have access to it. I'm planning to use it for quick news and post updates (Think Cynthia post which has been updated over 20 times since last year). The reason I launched it a little bit earlier than intended though was that as some of you have noticed... several of posts on the site are down. We can use this to let you guys know when certain posts are back up. Recent twitter posts will also appear in sidebar of the blog as well above Cinder's picture.

Second of all as hinted in February's News post... I had something nice planned in addition to launching the 3.0 version of the site if I was able to make it to summer. Welp... Summer is officially a week away so it's time to reveal the surprise... a Summer Marathon.
Yup starting June 21st... I'm going to be posting every day all summer long!!! Now technically there are only 93 days in a summer period but I like round numbers so I'm going to go for 100 Days of straight posting. Yup 100 days of Feet!!!  It's going to be a Hot Summer Everyone!!

On that note... more to come soon!!


  1. Holy cow that sounds awesome. :) Looking forward to the marathon!

    1. Thanks Atomic Chinchilla. ^_^ It should be fun. :-)

  2. It all sounds good! A twitter account will be really useful for the future, I think.

    93 days of animefeet summer goodness? I can't wait for that. I personally need to re energize my posting here.

    1. :-D Thanks Mrbateman. The marathon is probably one of the more challenging things I've done on the site so I'm really excited and nervous about it at the same time. I hope that it goes well. :-D Looking forward to seeing what you post next too. ^_^
