Friday, September 1, 2017

Pokemon Sun and Moon- Lana 9

The latest episode was another huge c*ck-tease where Lana was a scene with Lana in pajamas and you never see her feet but you know she's barefoot because her sisters are wearing the same pajamas and are barefoot. But I digress here's more Lana.


  1. Who ever is responsible for drawing Lana's feet really has a bit of a problem to keeping her foot size accurate. Sometimes their are really small and sometimes their are really big. Or least big for her size. Look at this picture here.

    Her feet are way more bigger compare to the one of Liilie and Mallow and their much taller than Lana.
    Not that I'm complaining. Lana looks freaking cute with big. Which their will draw her feet always like that.

  2. It's like they know-..

  3. Yeah, it is unfortunate that we still don't see Lana's feet. But at least Harper and Sarah have their feet visible! Why not make a post of them?

  4. Replies
    1. at least she wears open toed shoes that's better than nothing

  5. Awesome love your Lana posts GumballW. ^_^

    1. You're back thank you also Bambino has been harassing me

    2. Seems like there is a lot that I still need to sort out and catch up on. I'll try to talk with Bambino.

    3. Well here's my rundown he took down alot of posts here and left because of someone making pedo comments so I took it upon myself to restore them, and now he's saying I'm a thief for putting the pictures he took down back. I wasn't going to let this blog die because he couldn't learn to ignore people. All the pics he deleted he put them on his own blog site

    4. Oh thank goodness..ksc....welcome back. X.x

    5. @GumballW ^_^; Man... ok... I'll try my best to sort things out. I know you were working very hard while I was away. Thank you so much for keeping the site going strong.

      @Darkmind Thanks very much.
