Thursday, September 14, 2017

Pokemon Sun and Moon: Misty

Never thought you'd see her pretty feet again huh? Well we got it and we got Lana barefoot as a bonus but we'll get to her tomorrow. Normally I don't do more than one post a day but for this i'll make an exception seeing how we haven't seen her barefoot since ''Cerulean Blues'' which aired on June 24, 2006 so we had to wait 11 years to see her feet again. Check out old misty posts here.


  1. Oh man its been such a long time. My favorite redhead is back, if only for a bit. And a barefoot scene too? Lucky! Thanks for posting. Love it!

  2. Wow, this episodes was great. Seeing so many familiar faces and Pokemon we haven't seen in years (including my top two favorites), and getting to see Misty and Lana's bare feet? All sounds like perfection to me!

    1. Well tomorrow I'll post Lana and she has a small sole shot

    2. Can't wait! Oh! What about Harper and Sarah?

  3. Oh Wow. O.O So happy to see her. :-D I missed this character a lot. ^_^

  4. Replies
    1. Me too, it was so good and nostalgic to see the trio reunited.

  5. Well you finally got your wish to see Lana barefoot.

  6. and can you upload action heroin cheer fruits??

  7. Not only does she come back she gives us a sole shot, so nice

  8. Seems our patience was finally rewarded-

  9. I was kind of nerdily sad she didn't upgrade to the HeartGold/SoulSilver costume which includes hot flipflops, but this makes up for that.

  10. Not only do we get Misty barefoot after a decade, but multiple sole shots? Good things come to those who wait! I never expected this!

  11. Priceless to see all this... Tied with Serena from the anime, Misty is my favorite character from said anime.

    1. I just wish she had competed in the Alola League. I know she's a Gym Leader but her sisters can take care of it like they did maybe twice before.
