Friday, July 6, 2018

Fate Grand Order: Lancer

Today's post is a Lancer from the Online RPG Fate Grand Order. In addition to her normal outfit which is quite hot on its own the Lancer character has been depicted wearing some sexy outfits including  housewear  (basically consisting of only a sweater) and beach attire    
(Various webfinds of this sexy woman. :-D)

The Lancer's actual name is Scathach (named for a warrior queen from Celtic mythology). In Celtic lore Scathach was the gatekeeper to the "Land of Shadows". She is believed to be responsible for giving the Celtic hero CĂș Chulainn his trademark spear.

The figure that inspired this tribute was 1/7th scale pvc model of the Lancer wearing a sweater and very little else. I'm guessing that the figure represents a version of the character when she's not on the online quests the game is famous for since she has a modern look to her. She's almost like a gamer herself. :-D

There is another figurine in this post... which is a swimsuit figure of her (also 1/7 scale sized). She looks hot in both outfits and its great to see that both of them show off her feet. :-) If I had the chance I would love to give this character a foot massage. She looks incredibly sexy. :-)

All right everyone... that's all for now. Have a great weekend and as always...more to come soon!


  1. Oh, my God, KingsSideCastle, Scathach is my favorite Servant from Fate Grand Order and I love her so much and she has such lovely feet. KingsSideCastle, I congratulate you on bringing in Scathach to this blog. I am in love with her all over again!

    1. Thanks Custom. ^_^ She is really hot. :-D

    2. You're welcome, KingsSideCastle. I have a figure request for two Fate characters, it is on Ruler from Fate/Apocrypha and Saber (Altria Pendragon) from the original Fate stay night.

    3. O.O Ok I'll try to look into them.

    4. I had planned on doing more Fate girls for this blog.

    5. Yeah. I want to show you more.

  2. Replies
    1. You got that right, my favorite Servant.

    2. :-D Thanks Dean

      She's really awesome Custom. ^_^

    3. Have you seen any Fate series, KingsSideCastle?

    4. A friend of mine introduced me to the Fate series when we first met almost a decade ago. He is a huge fan of Fate and know quite a bit of it from the Holy Grail Wars to the Servants themselves like Saber and Caster. Try to watch the original Fate stay night and then Fate Zero.

    5. Wow...very cool. Alright... hope to give it a shot one day.

    6. Ok, I had seen quite a few Fate series.

  3. I can never pronounce her name right.

    1. Celtic names are hard i.e Saoirse and Siobhan. ^_^

    2. Some Servant real names are hard to pronounce.

    3. Like Hippolyta, Alcides and Enkidu.

    4. :-D Oh... recognize 2 of the 3 from literature.

    5. I see. They are based on historic figures.

    6. Yes. :-) I think Hippolyta is Queen of the Amazons and Enkidu is from Gilgamesh. I have to look up Alcides though.

    7. I see, the Fate series has some cool background history based on real people.
