Friday, July 6, 2018

Ore no Himegutsu wo Haitekure: Akane Sakamoto

I was reading this short manga almost two years ago, it was pretty good and it reminded me of Garden of Words due to how much foot content it has and the main protagonist being an shoemaker. The story is about Shousuke Nishimura, an high school student with an leg and foot fetish who was once famed for making women's shoes. However, after having to make a difficult decision due to his affection got the better of him, he has decided to never make a pair of women's shoes again until one day, an high school girl named Akane Sakamoto enters his shop with a particular set of shoes that were once created by Nishimura and were in need of repair, the two suddenly fell in love later on. I couldn't find info on this character since there's not much of it.
I had more but I'll save it for another post since these pages are from the first seven chapters, there are only 16 chapters in this manga and I finished reading this early this year. I really wish this was adapted into an OVA since an TV series would not be possible given to how short the story is, just imagine the girls' feet got animated, it would have been awesome and beautiful. I liked both main characters, they seemed to be very cute together, I would have love to see them develop into an official relationship.


  1. Can anyone recommend me some anime and/or manga to look into that has foot content? I plan to start watching some older anime soon during the summer season.

    1. I had a few, one of them is Garden of Words.

    2. I've heard of that, and ironically about to watch it. XD

    3. If you want to get your foot content in gorgeous backgrounds, then check this out. Seriously, Noah, I love it despite it was short like 46 minutes long.

    4. In that case, I'll take your word for it. I'll watch it right now! :)

    5. Just finished it. So lovely and emotional....

    6. Yeah, that is Makoto Shinkai for you. I'm glad you loved it and all of the footy glory.

    7. Maybe you would enjoy this manga.

    8. I'll be sure to take a look into this. You know any other anime that are heavily foot focused?

    9. I'm not sure about that but I think that were foot focused characters in this link:

  2. This manga never got an anime adaptation.

  3. There's a scene where he give her a foot massage.

  4. Can we somewhere read this manga online?

    1. I found it on this site:

  5. Very nice Custom. It is really cool to see a manga that is so heavily foot related. :-D

  6. Replies
    1. You're welcome. This is another manga that needs to be an anime.
