Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Golden Time: Koko Kaga (Final)

Ok... It's time to finish off the Golden Time posts. Once again Koko Kaga is back to close out the series. I saved some of my favorite caps of her for the finale. :-)
Some Animations
(These are from Golden Time Episodes 13, 14, 15 and 16)

Part 1 and 2 For this character:

Ok...That concludes the Golden Time series. Thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed these tributes. ^_^

Sidenote: Can any of you recommend a good Romantic Comedy Anime series to watch? (I'm looking for small to medium one about 12 to 24 episodes to watch over the weekend)

Alright guys. Still more to come. 

Until next time. :-D


  1. I really love the close up pics of her feet and gifs great post KSC.

    1. Your welcome KSC I really do hope does Santa make it to English dub soon.

    2. :-) Yeah it would be really good to have this anime dubbed into English.

    3. Yeah I would really like to hear how the voices will sound like.

    4. Not a lot of romantic comedy anime get an English Dub.

    5. They have a few. Toradora, Recovery of an MMO Junkie, Masamune Kun's Revenge all received English dubs. This was the first one I came across that didn't which is a surprise because it is ranked very highly on a lot of Romantic Comedy anime lists.

    6. Recovery of a MMO Junkie and Masamune Kun's Revenge were both dubbed by Funimation while Toradora was dubbed by MIS America. Golden Time was licensed by Sentai Filmworks, they don't dub almost every anime they got.

    7. @Dean Yeah

      @Custom That explains it.

    8. It's not that I don't like the Japanese language I usually watch in Japanese and in English.

    9. I tend to alternate between the two. ^_^

    10. It depends on what series you're talking about. Like some anime work better in Japanese while other shows sound better in English.

    11. Yes, I know. I seen anime in both versions, subbed and dubbed.

    12. Me too. Most of the time I usually prefer subtitles but sometimes the dubbing for a series was done so well that I wind up prefering the dub more.

    13. At first, I couldn't keep up with the English subtitles while watching anime or playing video games but as time went on, I got so used to it since some subs are better than dubs while some dubs are better than subs. When was the first time you watch an entire anime in English subs?

    14. I think my first was Sailor Moon. :-)

    15. I see. Mine was Gurren Lagann.

    16. At first, I couldn't keep up but as time went on as more anime are being subbed, I got the hang of reading.

    17. :-D It takes a little practice to be able to read the subtitles quickly.

  2. At least, you did good, KingsSideCastle. I can never made HD GIFs and what equipment did you use to make HD GIFs?

  3. I have to say that Koko is a really cutie and she looks really hot and sexy in those bikinis. She's got some great cleveage and a nice a$$. Also, I would love to tickle her feet and that beautiful little belly button drawn on her just to hear her squeal with laughter and giggles, which would be music to my ears.

    1. Thanks Nick. Yeah she is really hot. I would love to tickle her as well. ^_^

  4. Nice set of pics man, and the first and third gifs are very good ones and the third being my fave.

    1. Thanks very much Shadowmandude. They were a lot of fun to make. :-)

    2. You really had fun with posts like this one.

    3. :-D Yes Koko is one of those women that I can stare at for hours without being bored so she is fun to work with.

    4. What are some of the fun things you want to do with her?

    5. I would love to massage her feet. ^_^

    6. Thoroughly with a lot of dedication. :-)

    7. Yes...I would put a lot of effort into the massage. :-D

    8. Would you say about Koko's feet once you massage them thoroughly?

    9. I would say they were great. ^_^

    10. Can you be a little more specific?

    11. Hmmm...give me an example of something specific you would say.

    12. Like why or how they are great to you?

    13. Oh they look really beautiful and are perfectly drawn. ^_^

    14. Anime girls has such perfectly drawn feet, more so than most current cartoons.

  5. Good work overall. Also here is some recommendations of the genre you asked for: Blend S (FUNNY AF), Moshidora, Sakura Quest, Hanasaku Iroha (also provides with good feet shots), and if you are up to watching a movie Your Name and Summer Wars are also a good options.

    1. Thanks. O.O Ok I will try to look into those.

    2. I was going to do Hanasaku Iroha.

    3. :-) Go for it. I still might watch that one for fun though.

    4. Are you sure about that? I do remember watching Summer Wars on Toonami and Your name was so notoriously famous that it baffles me like Yuri on Ice.

    5. Yeah. :-) I haven't seen Summer Wars but I have seen Your Name. I watched it on a plane ride I was taking to Japan. I liked it very much.

    6. I never seen Your Name and I want to go to Japan too like in Akihabara.

    7. It is a nice place. I recommend Odaiba too because they have a giant Gundam and a Gundam museum there. Both of Akhihabara and Odaiba are in Tokyo so you can visit those places in the same trip.

    8. I remembered that Gundam statue, it was replaced with the Unicorn one. I never flew out of the country before in my life.

    9. Yeah I got a chance to see both. I went to Tokyo a few years back and saw the RX78 and I visited Japan earlier this year and saw the new Unicorn model. They also have a Gundam museum in the building nearby as well as a store that sells exclusive Gunpla models.

    10. I see. I never had money to being with so it sucks to be me.

    11. Definitely worth going if you get to travel and are in Japan.

    12. Lucky you. When did you start your otaku collection or why?

    13. In my teens I started building different models of Gundam from Gundam Wing when the series was on. I like putting things together. :-)

    14. I do like action figures in my teens.

    15. Yeah, they're cool to play with. Have you ever played Custom Robo?

    16. I had, it's like Gundam Breaker where you can customize your own mecha before each match and fight other robots in an arena. I played the one on the GameCube, I guess you missed out on it.

    17. Highly recommended because Gundam Breaker reminded me of Custom Robo from the gameplay and customizations.

    18. Yeah, check out the gameplay on Youtube.
