Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Urusei Yatsura: Sakura

In Japanese "Sakura" means "cherry blossom." She was once a very sickly girl who suffered from a variety of ailments. Many of them were the result of spirits that infested her body. On the advice of her uncle Cherry, she tried to exorcise Ataru, during which process, the demons who inhabited her transferred themselves to the unlucky young man. The second time she attempts to exorcise him, one of the demons possessing Ataru causes him to pounce onto her and suck her breast. Now in perfect health, Sakura is the Tomobiki High school nurse and a Shinto priestess or miko. Unlike her mother (who looks exactly like Cherry), Sakura is tall, slender and physically attractive, which makes her a common target of the lecherous boys of the school and even Mr. Onsen-Mark. The boys have been known to purposely injure themselves in order to see her. Like her uncle, she possesses an enormous appetite and has been known, despite never seeming to gain an ounce, to out-eat him. Sakura is extremely powerful and can summon foul and baleful creatures from Japanese folklore, by virtue of her mystical training. 


  1. Do you ever watch these really old anime, GumballW?

  2. Out of all her 3 works she created, Ranma’s the best... this was the worst.

    1. Both Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2 are really good but I haven't seen this anime yet so I can't rank it.

    2. I remember those two but not this one.

    3. It is not as famous as the other two.

    4. I see. No wonder you don't heard much of this series.

    5. Do you think you can handle an old-school anime like this one?

    6. Yeah I probably would enjoy it alot. I just have to find time to watch it. ^_^

    7. I wish that I could do the same since newer anime kept coming.

    8. Yeah...It is tricky because there are so many good shows to watch.

    9. Yes, you just never have to time to go back and finish off previous shows.

  3. Awesome This is another anime I want to watch one day. ^_^

    1. Dragon Ball is probably on the older end.

    2. That's the oldest anime you know?

    3. That I have watched...pretty much. I guess Ninja Hattori too. :-)

    4. The oldest anime I know are Astro Boy, Speed Racer, and Gigantor.

    5. Oh yes... all classics that I hope to be able to watch one day.

      No Mobile Suit Gundam on your list. That's pretty old as well (1979)

    6. Yes, but Zambot 3 came out two years before Gundam.
