Thursday, November 15, 2018

History of this Site: Origins + News + A Special Challenge and Prizes

A little bit of history on this blog. For those of you that haven't been around when this site was created... this blog started off as a spin-off of a writing blog I was doing involving foot related stories for a site called is basically a writing site where people add their writing projects (Essays, Stories, Novels, Journals etc) but it also has a special type of story called Interactives. These were stories divided up into chapters with more than one outcome that multiple writers could work on together.  (Example) Before Anime Feet existed I used to write chapter for many of the Interactive Foot Fetish stories on the site. I tended to focus on fanfiction stories allowing me to explore my foot fetish fantasies with characters like Ino, Supergirl, Huntress, Azula,  Cammy, Morrigan etc.

To keep track of all the chapters I was writing, I created a blog on with links to all of the stories that I was adding to. I also used the blog to review different anime shows and talk about topics that interested me such as comic books, video games and cartoons. With the stories I was writing though sometimes I wanted to include foot pictures of the female characters I was writing about to get reader's imagination going. at the time did not have a feature allowing users to upload  photos so I created a separate blog on blogger where I would be able to upload pictures and share them with others. I would then use my blog to link to the pictures on my blogger site. The blogger site would eventually become the Anime Feet Blog we know and love. As time went on the foot pictures proved so popular with visitors that I gradually shifted my focus from writing to sharing character pictures on this site. A lot of people liked seeing the images and began recommending other scenes to find. Over time I've made a lot of friends who visited this blog and we've worked together to expand this site creating an impressive collection of foot scenes and character tributes.

The writing blog that this site originally descended from eventually got phased out as this blog became the primary site that I was using to share information. I still write story chapters from time to time and link to them on this site but I don't do it as often anymore. I also share my favorite foot fetish stories from other writers as well. (See Spotlights column)

The reason why I'm bringing all this up now is that I'm preparing to finish my last set of story projects on I've been juggling between managing this site and contributing to for 11 years. All of that is in addition to my actual jobs as a programmer and teacher. As both projects expanded, the workload has just gotten way too heavy. I've been planning to retire from writing for awhile but now seems like a good point to wrap things up. I still want to finish as strongly as possible so I'm planning to complete most of the major writing projects I've been working on before putting down my writing pen for good. Some of these stories I have been working since 2007 when I first joined up with them.

This is My Final Story Checklist:

Black Cat GTS Storyline (1 Chapter 1 Ending)
Jean Grey Soccer Team Foot Slave Storyline  (4 Different Ending)
Supergirl Foot Servant Storyline (1 Chapter 1 Ending)

All of these are ongoing story arcs in my Comic Book Woman's Feet Interactive Story.

I'll also working with the writer His Divine Shadow as an editor helping him complete some storylines for his Queen Bee arc here. Some new chapters for this story should be out in the near future. ^_^

The last thing that I've been trying to do is migrate the Comic Book Interactive to blogger just so that everyone who visits the site would would be able to read that story. I know currently has bandwidth limitations for visitors and free members so this would allow anyone that wants to read the stories to see them any time they want. With over 1000 chapters, it is going to take me a long time to transfer everything. The backup story is available here:
So far I've only moved about of half of Supergirl's storylines over there but I'll keep working to transfer more chapters over. I'll continue to update you with my progress transferring the story. I'm also hoping to add in some heroine pictures into that interactive as well to spice things up

All of this stuff is going to take me awhile to complete but I'm hoping to wrap everything up by the end of 2019. With a little luck though the stories I am working on will be finished up much sooner than.
Ok now for the Challenge....

Over the 11 years that I've been contributing to, I managed to save up over 100,000 gp ('s online currency) so I'm able to use it to purchase several prizes on that site.

If you've visited my Interactive Comic Book Story on recently you've noticed that I have a special promotion going on where anyone that add a story arc to the interactive (3 medium sized chapters and an ending) receives a special Super Hero merit badge.

I'm going to sweeten that deal for visitors to this blog. If any of you complete a story arc this month (November), not only will you get the promised Super Hero Merit Badge to display in your writing portfolio but I'll also let you choose a Merit badge of your choice to receive. You guys can pick from  the collection here.* Basically you'll be able to get 2 merit badges instead of one.  In order to add to the story and receive the prize you need to have a account but creating an account and using it on the site is free. Just be sure to let me know what your user name is (either in the comments or e-mail) so that I can send you the prize.

A lot of you have asked me to RP with you in the past. If you like role playing and collaborating with other foot fans... this is a great chance to do that and be rewarded for it at the same time. :-D I'll also share my favorite storylines that were sent in on this blog too.

Good Luck and Best wishes!

*Note: They have to be ones that are not grayed out.


  1. Replies
    1. Is that a South Park reference?

    2. O.O What is your screen name Chris? ... if you're comfortable telling me.

    3. Custom from around the time I was first introduced to this site when I was 12 and read one of some of the stories in there.

      Dean Yep.

      King I quit that along time ago, before I had my own email I was using someone else's. But now that you've shown that this site's still alive, I'm interested in making a comeback.

    4. I see. Chris, I wonder why you quit this blog.

  2. KingsSideCastle, I have to be honest, that you seems to have a hard life outside of blogging. I did told you that I wanted to bring in some storylines to the blog so I wanted to see how it would work. Also, I did have plans for 2019 and 2020 with foot-related stuff and I wanted to bring in more roleplaying with other foot fans. It's just that I don't have an account because I never used it before even though I visited that site for cool foot stories and that was it. I have some newer stuff to post thanks to you and everyone's recommendations. I am willingly to continue working on more tributes and newer characters from the stuff I seen.

    1. Yeah sometimes it can get really hectic but I keep moving forward. :-)

      Sounds really cool Custom. ^_^ I'm excited to see them.

    2. I also was thinking about doing more feet on obscure anime. I promised that I need some time to get things done without rushing just because someone else beat me to the character I was doing. But doing too much can be exhausting.

    3. Do you have a family or live alone?

    4. 5 people. My mother, father and two brothers.

    5. For me, currently 4 people: My parents and my little brother and my sister is on her own.

    6. I am not an social person since I mostly quiet outside of blogging.
