Thursday, November 15, 2018

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Princess Adora / She-Ra

The 16-year-old orphan Adora of Planet Etheria, who turns into the Princess of Power, She-Ra, after finding a magic sword. She is guided by a group of magical princesses as she wages battle to liberate Etheria against the evil Horde and their leader Hordak. These are from episodes 7 and 8.

There will be a couple of Catra posts in the future but they may take awhile due to the fact that I have to watch the series and cap the pictures using the Snipping Tool on my laptop because I can't snap pics through my phone on Netflix and if I try I just get a black screen. There should be alot of Catra seeing how she's a barefooter and that the first season contains 13 episodes so patience is key.


  1. Awesome. Gotta adore Princess Adora. :-) I had a crush on the original She-Ra back in the day.

    1. Too bad they stripped most of that away for this series

    2. I'm not really seeing the problems here, in my opinion I much prefer this version of She-Ra mainly because the old one looked looked too ''Womany'' if you know what I mean. I kinda like the more simplified look of the new one. And Gammy's comment on her looking like a man, I don't see what he means.

    3. Look at the black chick in the early pics.

    4. Having grown up watching episodes the original I'm used to the older animation but I still want to watch the new cartoon too when I have a chance. It's also still really cool that the new version of She-Ra gives her barefoot scenes. I'm really happy you got them Gumball.

      I wish that that the 2002 Reboot of He-man had gotten a 3rd season because they had plans to make She-Ra appear in it. That cartoons animation was top notch.

    5. I'm with Gumball, no issues here.

  2. Why do some of the girls look like guys?

    1. Because the show was made by SJWs

    2. Yeah She does look like a man the old one is better.

    3. Yup. Here is what she looks like with just a change to her hair

    4. It's also a farrago of bullshit as well, because not all females (young or old) have big boobs. Plus, as was said by others, the characters as originally depicted were drawn that way because the dolls that they are based upon were all uniformly designed out of molds at a factory; there's nothing that says the current versions of these characters have to look the certain way they used to on the old TV show.

  3. She-Ra's feet are in some scenes quit big. Ot at least compare to her to the other chick.

    1. It makes sense since when she becomes she-ra she grows a few inches so it would make sense that her feet would grow too

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think the outrage is manufactured af over the character designs. I'm fine with 'em.

    1. As am I, and I think that they look better than the original ones, which were just a verbatim copy of the toys they were based on.
