Friday, April 12, 2019

Casshern Sins: Ringo.

A young girl who befriends Casshern, she manages to maintain her innocence despite growing up in a destroyed world. Despite witnessing Casshern mercilessly destroying a robot in order to save her, she continues to have faith in him. Being cared by Ohji, the two come across Casshern regularly, and witness his endeavors. 


  1. Replies
    1. This is gotta be the third time you’ve asked and I’ve answered...

    2. Tell me why can you make your own GIFs.

  2. Replies
    1. Just the way she looks, not sure about her personality.

    2. No, but the way you describe it, it wouldn't interest me as I'm not into series that are dark and depressing.

    3. I see. I had seen too many dark and depressing anime before.

  3. I wanted to do this girl but you wouldn't let me.

  4. Maybe you can do a follow up for her later Custom when you watch the anime to get Nico.

  5. I had seen this anime years ago on Toonami.

  6. I never got a chance to watch it... it is a new one for me.

  7. If you like dark, sad, depressing action shows then give it a watch.

  8. Uh, yes, it is really dark since it is about the sudden appearance of death among robots who once thought themselves immortal living in a post-apocalyptic world where the Ruin killed humans and destroyed robots alike.

  9. Well, it was like if Zero from Mega Man Zero got his own anime outside of the games.

  10. I finally decided to watch this show, and I’m glad I did! Ringo is so precious, and I wanna protect her!

    Oh, and for those concerned as to how dark the show gets, I put it far below Beserk, and just a little above the last seasons of Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL and Arc-V. It definitely doesn’t deserve the TV-MA rating.

    1. From I had seen, it was an TV-14 rating on Adult Swim.

    2. Ah, okay. I guess it was lowered to match with today’s standards.
