Friday, April 12, 2019

Railgun: Mikoto Misaka Figure Mega-Post

Today's figure tribute is Mikoto Misaka from the Magical Index/Railgun series. ^_^ Misaki actually has a lot of figures available for her as you'll see below. :-)
I guess that Kuroko Shirai will have to get a tribute in the future as well. :-D

(Various figure images and webfinds involving this character.)

One of these days I'm going to have to watch the a Certain Magical Index/Railgun series. It seems like complex and exciting set of animes.

This is the tribute that almost broke me. ^_^; Usually the way the figure tributes start off is that I come across a figure that I feel would be cool to show you guys and develop a tribute around that model and character. Once I have a character for the tribute. I would google the character along with the word figure to see what other models and material are out there for her. I usually try to combine all the figures for a character into one post to make a tribute feel more complete.

A lot of times like with Nami, I'm familiar with the character beforehand. In other cases like with Gargantia's Amy, the character is new to me. In Mikoto's case, it was the latter. I was not prepared for what happened next. A typical character has about 3-5 figures to showcase. Mikoto had about 20. The scramble to collect, and organize the material was grueling and by the time I finished setting up this tribute... the fact that this character looks absolutely gorgeous in a swimsuit didn't matter anymore. I was perfectly content to never see another barefoot model of her again. I joke with Match about barefoot overload but it is a real thing. I've had a chance to regroup and can smile at how the tribute turned out now but at the time the amount of figures out there for Mikoto was completely overwhelming.

Anyway Mikoto is a beautiful character and see seems really cool. I have no doubts that her series would be really fun to watch. :-)

Have a great weekend and more to come soon everyone!


  1. About her, she is cool but a little annoying at times. I seriously doubt every series you come across is going to be good because you don't seem to be the type who has problems with shows and games. Anyway, I already seen both Railgun seasons and an third one coming out later this year. As for Index, I was waiting for Funimation to dub the rest of Index III.

    1. Even though that's one of the seasons I'm working on to the third season I've been waiting for it to finish

    2. Do you guys recommend watching this series. It looks really interesting. I'm tempted to watch it over the summer when I have time. ^_^

    3. That is up to you, King, you never had much taste in certain genres regardless of their length.

    4. Both Index and Railgun have around 24 episodes in their seasons.

    5. Oh... not too bad. It might be watchable.

    6. How much can you watch in one sitting?

    7. I've done a 24 episode series before but usually it is 1 - 5 hours.
