Friday, May 10, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 20 Highlights

Welcome back to Komura's Foot series, in this chapter we will meet an new character named Saki and her ways of handling things at the school store.
Komura's answer to how she deals with daily life itself. (Foot fans rejoice!)
Saki's Foot Examination on Komura...
No new Foot abilities from Komura in this chapter other than helping out Saki during lunch at the school store with her feet. As for the new character Saki, she is awkward to be with because she seems to be annoyed by Tsukinaga but fond with Komura's feet after seeing what they can do. So if you get more focus later in the manga, my opinions on her might change. Despite that, Saki is no slouch in the foot fetish department with her open-toed heels.


  1. That one look in her eyes look like she was falling in love with her feet.

  2. Bet we could make a fortune on selling foot bread

    1. How would it taste? Foot bread must be tasty.

  3. O.O Nice to see another attractive Komura female character in this. Hopefully more of her to come. ^_^
