Friday, May 10, 2019

My Top 5 Female LGBTQ Characters

Animated shows become more diverse every passing year, we’re looking at animated television characters who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or otherwise queer. Why am I making this list? well simply put for the sake of diversity.

#5. Pearl (Steven Universe)

Pearl is a perfectionist who serves as an overprotective mother to Steven, it was hinted from very early on Pearl had feelings for none other than Steven’s mother, Rose Quartz. Again, this is a lot of back-story but go with me here. Pearl and Rose fought in a war together and Pearl was Rose’s solider. Pearl would do anything for Rose, after she liberated Pearl from the constraints of Gem society. Pearl’s devotion to Rose was so intense the two entered into a romantic relationship, demonstrated in the episode "We Need To Talk." While the show has made no bones about Pearl being a lesbian, the way she rebuffs any male advance is a clear indicator of that, Rose is portrayed somewhere along the bi or pansexual spectrum. Rose has a lot of love to give and in the episode "Mr. Greg" it's revealed Rose had many men come into her life. Pearl thought Rose would eventually choose her in the end, but she ended up with Greg Universe, Steven’s eventual father. This completely destroyed Pearl; especially after Rose sacrificed herself to allow Steven to be born. Over the course of the series, we slowly see her come to terms with her undying love for Rose, eventually culminating in the song ‘It’s Over Isn’t It?’

#4. Tohru (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)

Very underrated anime in my opinion. Tohru is a female dragon with the ability to transform into a human girl. After Kobayashi rescues her, she falls in love with her and decides to work for her as a maid. Tohru is deeply in love with Kobayashi. She does her best to serve Kobayashi as her maid everyday and hopes that someday they'll share feelings. Throughout the story she attempts feeding Kobayashi her tail (without success) after detoxifying it. It is confirmed that Kobayashi has begun to return Tohru's feelings of a more romantic nature. Tohru is sexually attracted to Kobayashi, telling the latter herself, and often performs acts out of sexual desire for her, such as licking her clothes clean, offering to lotion her body.


#3. Harley Quinn (DC Comics)

One of the best-known characters in the DC Universe, Harley Quinn is the clown princess of crime. A villainous adversary of Batman, Harley Quinn is sometimes known to be dating the Joker despite her flirtatious behavior with both men and women. In the Extended Universe, Harley Quinn was revealed to be dating Poison Ivy, making the villain one of many bisexuals in comics.


#2. Sailor Uranus & Neptune (Sailor Moon)

The time has come for these two Sailor Scouts to come out of the fictional cartoon closet! Alright, so most fans probably know that Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were a couple, not cousins. However, it's still quite disappointing that the company that purchased rights to broadcast Sailor Moon in the United States censored their true relationship-- as well as quite the laundry list of other things in the show. What better way to cover up two girls in love than to say that they are cousins and are just weirdly touchy with each other? The ambitiousness and transparency of the cover-up on the part of DiC was homophobic but ultimately unsurprising-- American parents in the '90s would not have let that whole gay thing fly on a kid's TV show. Thankfully, Sailor Moon Crystal is making it pretty hard to cover up.


#1. Korra ( Legend of Korra)

While I don't this series is as good as the original Avatar the Last Airbender it did give us a female Avatar. I like girls with big feet and caramel skin and I would've put her in my Top 10 Waifus list if she wasn't gay meaning if she was real I would have no shot whatsoever. Legend of Korra ended with Korra and her friend Asami walking hand in hand through a portal into the spirit world after agreeing to go on a vacation together—”just the two of us.” For many fans, this was a glorious confirmation of what they’d suspected for years: that Korra was bisexual, and that the show had been foreshadowing a romance between her and Asami. However, not everyone was convinced. In the days after the finale, fans did what they always do when a TV show ends on an ambiguous note. They argued. Some pointed out that the show had been leading up to a Korrasami romance for a while, with the two characters growing closer and sharing several emotional scenes. But since they didn’t technically kiss onscreen, others argued that Korra and Asami were just good friends. Then, Legend of Korra co-creators Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko came right out and said it: Korra and Asami are a couple. Understandably, the news hit Korra fans like a bombshell.



  1. Nice choices, and Korra no doubt takes the number one spot consider the ending to the last episode was a game changer.

  2. Have to agree with Korra. Her relationship with Asami just happened. No build up at all.

    1. Yeah but it could’ve been worse. Because I’m pretty sure it was planned it’s not like nowadays where they put in a gay character just for the sake of having a gay character

    2. Technically now a days a lot of western cartoon think they have to do this. Probably because the producers do not want to be called out homophobic.

    3. Erich, that is so true.
      But my argument to that, is it shouldn't make them bad people if that's true, everyone has different beliefs.

    4. Erich, Chris, why does all of this matter whatever animated shows and series? Like, I just think that this whole LGBTQ is nothing but a stigma in society.

    5. I can't say whether it matters or not at the moment, but from your POV, it's understandable when you put it that way.

      I won't put you down for that like most would nowadays, since that's part of your personal belief and opinion.

    6. All right, I won't bother that.

  3. Korra’s relationships sucked. Asami has no personality

  4. Wait, you made this for diversity? This site has been about feet pics of all body types and ages, it’s never focused on relationships. I’m kinda confused.

  5. I'm surprised that people actually commented on the blog today since I haven't have much so far.

  6. I always have a dislike for gay characters, 99% of the time when they are introduced I already seeing the series going downhill as their existence is just to kept reminding us they're gay

    1. So true.
      I'm all for and welcome diversity like that, but I don't like it when it's painfully obviously forced and out of the blue.

      The best example of when it was done right to me was Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

    2. Where would you rank Rewind x Chromedome from "Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye" and it's sequel series "Transformers: Lost Light"? How about Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Yukio from "Deadpool 2"?

  7. I...don't know if I'd classify Pearl as a lesbian. While she clearly does love Rose (and a human woman that resembles her) gems aren't male or female, they just appear to be female

    1. Well I was considering Ranma for the list but then again he’s technically a male who can become a female but then again does that count as transgender? I mainly just did this list to do something different, however I didn’t really expect there to be this much controversy

    2. @Gumball: Me neither. And you were right not to include Ranma. He really doesn't want to be associated as a female, and he'd do anything to cure his curse. Not a transgender by a long shot, just cursed. And Solude from Maze would have fit this list perfectly as she's openly gay and proud of it.

    3. There's a thought, CAN a single-gender life-form be homosexual, or even HETEROsexual, for that matter?

  8. In response to the lack of people commenting here. I'd join in but these types of posts seem to lure more people in that bitch about the whole idea to begin with. Not just this post either. The second a girl has an air about her that says she doesn't belong in the kitchen, there's always some one in the comments losing their shit about it. Outright hostility for no reason. Not particularly welcoming behavior.

  9. Great list Gumball. The two Sailor Senshi are my favorites. Also Batwoman (Kate Kane) is another attractive lesbian as well. ^_^

  10. Be nice if Juleka and Rose from Miraculous were more of a clear couple. It's QUITE hinted on, but that's cowardly again... Doesn't have to be on-the-nose, but like, natural. Alya, Nino, Mari, etc would be totes happy for them (suffice it to say Chloe & Sabrina would possibly NO WAY come out. "Queen Bee" is far too busy pretending everyone is below her, period. ) But without a real "JuleRose" it's kinda LACKING something (not that I'm criticizing Monsieurs Zag or Astruc, I just think they could pull it OFF without so many hypocrites hating about again. Ok, att least I HOPE so, natch...)
