Thursday, August 15, 2019

Big Hero 6: Honey Lemon 2

Following up on Yesterday's post. The season 2 episode of Big Hero 6 "7th Wheel" also gives us a really good view of Honey Lemon's bare feet as she massages them after an intense speed training session. ^_^
You can tell by how she is rubbing that training that day put her feet through a lot. ^_^
TChibi version of Honey from the Big Hero 6 Short Snoring
Plus an Animation

More of Honey Lemon's feet can be found in this earlier tribute to the character here:

Poor Honey... having to massage her feet on her own. I think a lot of us would be happy to rub her feet for her if she asked us. :-)

I want to do a special dedication on this post to Match25... the Legendary Master of Sole Shots who also contributed the material for this character and tribute. :-)  A little bit of site trivia is that the first post he helped set up (A two part tribute set to Toph from Avatar) was released way back in August 2008. Thank you for 11 awesome years of Amazing Sole Shots and Foot Content Match!!

This is also going to be the last tribute I post before I get deployed for work. It is going to be awhile before I'm able to visit the site again. While I won't be able to comment or respond to site e-mail while I'm away... I did complete and schedule some posts to release while I was gone so they'll be a few surprises in store for you guys. You'll also have tributes from the other contributors on the site. All of whom are awesome posters as well. With a little luck I'll back in November to finish off the rest of the sets for the year. ^_^

Thank you all so much for everything and Best Wishes Everyone!

Castling out!!


  1. Catch you later. And like you say, more to come soon. Honey Lemon is fabulous!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Why you post the same thing again with just one picture?

    3. I should tell you that I wasn't ready to post it yet so I was going to do it this month but delayed it.

    4. Yes, sorry about that. I got this month covered.

  2. Make sure you come back soon King.

  3. Until we meet again, thank you.

  4. Hey KingSideCastle you did forget to email me, is there another slow response on my gmail account.

    1. Is that you Delta? From the Animated Foot Scene Wiki at Miraheze?

    2. Thought so. You know me as Tdanielb, one of the contributors on Miraheze as well. I'm glad you and Tycio check out this blog too.

  5. We'll miss you,man. I'll be sure to drop an e-mail every once in a while to check up on ya. Best of luck and godspeed,old friend

  6. Replies
    1. Hey there AC! Good to see you on the blog again.

    2. Thanks :) I still lurk now and then, just haven't felt motivated to make a post.
