Friday, August 16, 2019

Shamanic Princess: Sara

Kagetsu's sister and Tiara's childhood friend, she is sweet and gentle as an Neutralizer, who had mysteriously disappeared before the Throne of Yord was stolen by her older brother, who could hear her voice coming from an old painting. Unable to handle this, Kagetsu stole the painting and promised Sara he would save her.


  1. I was thinking about doing her myself. Good job Custom. She only put her shoes on once, Mavis may have been created with Sara in mind. This was a great OVA, she and Lena were my favorites.

    1. I believe I said that above. Tiara may have been the main character, but Sara makes up a big part of the story, and she's crucial and central for what the others are trying to accomplish.

    2. OK. I had seen this a while back.

  2. I remember hearing about this anime.

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