Tuesday, August 20, 2019

My Top 10 Barefooters

Like GumballW's post, I decided to do my own Top 10 Barefooters and no, there will not be an honorable mention. Also, like his post, these are my personal choices and opinions so please DO NOT ask me "Where's X or How could you miss Y?" because I either never heard of the character, series, or never care for that character, if you have a problem with this list, you may want to turn away now or make you own Top 10 list. Let's get started.

#10. Toph Beifong (Avatar the Last Airbender)
She is my opinion like an precursor to Morgiana from Magi due to both being barefooters, but unlike Morgiana, she is blind, so the reason why her feet touched the ground was to feel her surroundings as an Earthbender. King said, "Being someone who relies on her feet to see, she really gives a lot of great foot focused moments in her series."

Best Foot Shots
#9. Rapunzel (Tangled)
I don't get into the newer Disney movies since I am more of an fan of old-school Disney movies and the last Disney movie I saw was Bolt. But this Disney Princess since Ariel from the Little Mermaid got me into her due to her feet beautifully detailed. And the fact, she is an heavy hitter in foot scenes on this blog, I found some good tootsie fun with her.

Best Foot Scenes
#8. Ibuki (Street Fighter III) 
She is an odd one for me to add in this list because I hardly know her or played SFIII but her feet, personality along with her Ninjutsu techniques make it stand out. I just wish I can find good scenes with her in the games. Originally, I want to add in Elena to the list. 

Best Foot Shots
#7. Haruka Kaminogi (Noein)
Dan Boccia's main waifu and she spent most of the series barefoot and more inclined to walk around in bare feet, even when she could use shoes, and the fact that she lived in a shoes-off house and is usually inside makes it more common to see her barefooted rather than shod.

Best Foot Scenes
#6. Princess Amalia Sheran Sharm (Wakfu)
I have to admit that I don't care for colored feet or into the whole racist thing but man, do her feet got me aroused! GunballW once said, "Bottom line, her feet are beautiful, are probably very soft to the touch and would take of them if she was real." I agree with him and I too want to rub her chocolatey feet as an part-time servant.
Best Foot Shots
#5. Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV (Cowboy Bebop)
I like this one because she had two things I like: female hacker and an barefooter. I admit that I haven't talked much on her since it's been years since I last saw Bebop along with Outlaw Star. Anyway, I do love it when she type on keyboards with her toes with precision. So she deserves some love from me and I appreciated it. I do found it sad to see her go with her father.

Best Foot Scenes
#4. Msyu (C-Control)
As you know, I have a serious fixation on redheads (girls with red hair) because red is my favorite color plus, Msyu is an fire-type Asset and an barefooter in the Financial District which is like a icing on the cake for me. To me, she has three things I like: red hair, bare feet, and fire wielder. I would like to see more of her feet and rub them someday.

Best Foot Picks
#3. Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Aside Lucy, Mavis has the best feet in the series and she's a true barefooter to behold, not to mention, she does have soft lovely feet for an Guild Master. I wish I can say more but her feet speak for themselves. 

Best Foot Scenes
#2. Asuna Yuuki (Sword Art Online) 
I know, I know, she's not an real barefooter like the others on this list but in her Titania outfit as Fairy Queen and being held captive by Sugou in a huge cage at the top of the World Tree, which include no footwear or socks. Since she had shown quite a bit of her feet in ALO and Mother's Rosario in Season 2, I wanted to make this girl count regardless. 

Best Foot Shots
#1. Morgiana (Magi)
Of course, you pretty much saw this one coming but she's my number one barefooter of all time because of how much detail in the anime is put onto her dirty feet during fights and that beautiful belly dance she did. I would do anything to get my hands on those cute feet of hers, you can use them to crush heavy things due to her being an Fanalis. I did a lot of posts just of her alone and she is an true heavyweight champion in the foot fetish community along with Mavis and Rapunzel. I can talk about her feet for hours but I'm going to stop right there so you can do whatever you want.

Too Many to Choose From on the Best Foot Shots


  1. Great list! Appreciate the love for Haruka.

    1. Even though Haruka's not really a true barefooter, she still thanks you for the honor. 😊

    2. Aww, tell her that I appreciate her and her feet. By the way, it seems like you're the only one who is commenting on the blog daily in recent post.

    3. That's another reason why Dean is so upset. Lack of comments.

    4. Really? I don't know why, it is because of King's absence?

    5. That's part of it too. But he also hopes for questions he can answer regarding the images or characters.

    6. You still comment on daily posts regardless?

    7. Normally, if it's something I like.

    8. What do you like about female feet?

    9. The toes are by far the best.

    10. The way they wiggle at your face?

    11. I bet you are in love with female feet and their toe wiggling.

    12. For me, yeah, pedicures are a big turn-on since it involves around foot loving care.

  2. Cant have a top 10 barefooter list without Toph and Edward

  3. Very good list. They're all great choices.

    I remember the toe typing scene in Cowboy Bebop.Since then, Radical Edward has been one of my favorite anime characters.

    1. Sure

      I can't wait to see who they cast as Radical Ed in the live-action Netflix show. They'd better not make her wear shoes...

    2. If they make Radical Ed a shoe-wearer in the Netflix show, I will go postal.

    3. In other words, he would go insane?

    4. Pretty much. And I wouldn't blame him in this case.

    5. I see. It's not like it's a big deal to go barefoot.

    6. True, but for Ed, it's one of her signature trademarks.

    7. I know that. Some characters have their own trademarks.

  4. Morgiana is my favorite barefoot anime girl too. I wish for a new season so we can get more foot focus scenes.

    1. Same here, Morgiana must be treated with more respect.

  5. Replies
    1. Here's mine:

      10. Makoto (Street Fighter)
      9. Elena (Street Fighter)
      8. Meggan (Marvel Comics)
      7. Princess Amalia Sheran Sharm (Wakfu)
      6. Medusa (Soul Eater)
      5. Morgiana (Magi)
      4. Juri Han (Street Fighter)
      3. Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
      2. Tahiri Veila (Star Wars)
      1. Toph Bei Fong (Avatar the Last Airbender)

  6. Very well structured and thought out list. I like how you've added your thoughts on each character and haven't just numbered them. Excellent work.

    1. That's because I wanted to talk about them at times.

    2. Either way, it's good to see your reasoning behind your choices.

    3. Yes, I know. I thought them over.

  7. Great list ! Totally happy with it, the order is certainly debatable (just a matter of taste, no biggie ), but the gang's pretty much THERE ! THANKS
