Saturday, July 2, 2022

Quiet Country Café: Kokone Takatsu, Matsuki and Misago.

 Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō is another untranslated post-apocalyptic ova,  this one is a little more peaceful and lighthearted than 'Arata Naru Sekai'.  You can find unofficial translations of the four episode OVA on youtube.

Kokone Takatsu is is an A7M3 production robot; making her the younger sister of Alpha.  She works a courier and first meets Alpha when she delivers a camera to her.  Kokone is friendly and a bit shy and can sometimes pass as human.

Matsuki is a young girl who often hangs out with a boy named Takahiro.

Misago is an ageless wild woman who only shows herself to children.  It is believed she is the first robot.

1 comment:

  1. I have the manga in Japanese on my shelf. Very nice!!
