Saturday, June 5, 2021

Castlevania: Morana

It's been awhile since I released a new post on this site. Usually when I have to disappear for a long period of time... it is almost always work related. In this case work has been particularly heavy lately. Anyway the final season of the Castlevania anime dropped last week and it was a lot of fun to watch. We also got some particularly awesome barefoot scenes with some female characters this season which I'll try to cover this week. First off is the Vampire Queen Morana who takes off her boots to get her feet massaged in one of the episodes.

Some Animations

(These of from the Netflix Castlevania series Season 4 Episode 3 Walk Away)

Other Castlevania Posts:

Morana is a member of the Council of Sisters... a group of 4 female vampires who rule over Styria. (You see the other 3 council members throughout these posts.) Each of the four council members has a specialty. Morana's skill is a strategist. She analyzes situations and comes up with the strategy the vampires can use to succeed with their plans. 

We don't get to see Morana a lot in the season she debuted (Season 3). From what we do hear... she's known to be pretty sadistic. She is said to enjoy torturing people... finding the activity soothing and has a distain for humans. Of the 4 queens of Syria, Morana would probably be worst to allow to decide your fate. Cruelty aside, Morana is shown to be an exotic beauty and possesses a keen intellect.

Two episodes of season 4 show a more sensitive side to this character. She shown to have a romantic relationship with Striga (the Council's warrior) who cameos in this tribute and massages Morana's feet. Morana also comes to the realization that a war against humanity would not lead to a favorable outcome in the end for her. She is shown to be quite practical and knows how to survive where other more powerful vampires than her don't. Her English voice actor in the anime is Yasmine Al Massri who is quite hot as well.

Ok... more Castlevania throughout the week. :-) 

Until Next time!


  1. Been meaning to catch up, as I still have to watch season 3. Guess I have some more incentive now. XD

    1. :-) It is a great series. Season 3 wasn't as strong as seasons 1 and 2 but Season 4 was absolutely spectacular. I highly recommend it.

  2. Wait, this is supposed to be Castlevania? What's with these literally whos?

    1. Yes... the series does feature a lot of the Castlevania III cast and a couple from Curse of Darkness. However there are a lot characters created exclusively for the anime as well.

    2. Sou nanoka, so no Maria or even Countess Ersebeth...
      But gunning for the more robust timeline makes sense.

    3. Yeah. I would have loved to see Maria too. Maybe they'll make a Symphony of the Night sequel anime.
