Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hakufu (Bonus)'s the last set of caps in BBB's series of debut posts. 2 seasons worth of Hakufu's soles. I'd say enjoy but with a girl this's very hard to do otherwise.

(Once again a huge thanks to BBB for sending us these great pictures. They were taken the first two seasons of Ikki Tousen which has now been added to my must watch anime list.)
Well...that concludes BBB's debut series and I'm definitely very impressed with his work. What do you guys think?
Ok... I think I'll spend the rest of the morning staring at these...have a good day everyone and as usual...more to come soon.


  1. never heard of this anime but again another nice find BBB

  2. I have yet to see this one, but after seeing these caps, that clinches it. I will see this series, whether you like it or not. =P

    Good one, BBB King.

    Daniel Wickie

  3. Nickelodeon Memorial is up. Check it out.

  4. this has nothing to do with the soles but what is that symbol that she is wearing as an ear ring. i have seen it in so many animes

  5. Well, this is a OVERTHEBOARD ecchi series. I mean the girls panties are always showing, clothes being torn, etc. The girls are hot though, but if you watch this for the story, you can forget about it. Luckily, I managed to salvage some sole shots. I particularly like the real closeup of her toes.

    As for the symbol, in this particular serie, they simply represent fighters. Each "school" has fighters, and they are represented with this earring in the shape of a nine.

    I know it's also the main symbol in Blue Seed, but I forgot about its meaning in that serie.

  6. wow with all that was sent over to KSC im a bit shocked the form didnt update today. but if your taking a break KSC then forget what i said

  7. Anyone have Caps of Elle from Rave Master? That episode where she goes barefoot was pure Gold.

  8. I think he said somewhere he was absent and coming back Thursday night. Might had to take a break from all those female feet... although I wonder why!!!

    ;) Heh, just kidding!

  9. true it was a lovely sight to see Elle barefoot most of the ep but sadly there were no clear sole shots of her so i didnt take any

  10. Sorry guys had a couple of religious obligations to take care of today (Spent the last twenty four hours in Synagogue and fasting). Anyway I'm back now and I'll update in a little bit (with a couple of Match25 bonuses that are long overdue). I'll try and catch up on the comments and e-mail too.

  11. one day without updates i believed it was a break but with 2 days and not a single word from u. Well glad to see your back KSC, done worshiping a divine being and now worshiping barefoot beauties lol

  12. Don't worry KSC, tsall good! Glad you're back!

  13. Good to see you back, buddy.


  14. Thanks guys. It's good to be working with these girls' feet again. I guess I was starving in more ways than one yesterday.

  15. u must have been suffering from barefoot beauty withdrawal. easily fixed with this great site
