Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tenjou Tenge Aya (Bonus)

I got back pretty late tonight and I'm almost too tired to update tonight but for a sexy girl like this...I'll force myself. :-D

(These are yet some more of BBB's spectacular sole caps. (Thanks once again for them.) They are of Aya from the series Tenjou Tenge)

Well...I still have one last set of debut caps from BBB left to post but it will have have to wait till morning lest I fall asleep on my keyboard. Have a good night everyone.



  1. In a way, Aya reminds me of Orihime, except Aya here has brown eyes and has smaller feet than the latter. Truly a nice find. ^_^

    And I'm glad you decided to call it a night before you fell asleep on your keyboard. If that happened, not only would you wreck your keyboard, but you'd also have a whole shitload of spelling mistakes all over the screen. Have a good one.

    Daniel Wickie

  2. another good find BBB, i watched the series myself, but most of the time it was so boring i had to fast forward it constantly

  3. Well on the plus side since that last Aya cap was on the screen, it would be like I was snuggling up against Aya's soles for the rest of the night. :-D

  4. I don't get it, KSC. 0_o

  5. I meant that if I fell asleep against my keyboard. Since Aya's feet were being shown on my computer monitor (which is positioned in front of my keyboard), it would be like I fell asleep against Aya's soles. Yeah it's a weak joke I know.

    Anyway guys I'm going to be away for a little while so it might be a while before you see another post from me. I should be back Thursday night or Friday morning

  6. Your slipping, my friend. =P But I do know where you're coming from. Aya's feet do look very soft. Soft enough to snuggle against and use as pillows. That would be a nice thought. Of course, I don't need to dream about doing that. I already have a girl whose soles I can rest my weary head upon. But I'll just stop there, lest I step on anyone's toes. You'll have to excuse me. Thanks for clearing that up, buddy.

    And if you don't mind me asking, where are you going?

    Daniel Wickie

  7. Tenjou Tenge had alot of good shots if i remember correctly lol
    too many flash backs tho ..
    lots of fanservice to make up fot it
    the manga is better tho Imo

  8. Flashbacks are often needed to tell us about the character and what made them who they are/were. That's why I do them.


  9. Yeah I understand the flashback principle. But in the case of this series, the flashback starts at about Ep10 and ends at about Ep23 or 24! WAY too long...

    The girls is the sole reason I kept watching this serie. And as you can see, it was worth that 2 minute scene! ;)

  10. Well, since you put it that way, I guess they should've set some limits for themselves and just stick to the main story they already have. They should've followed Alan Moore's example when he wrote Watchmen. He did exactly as I said how flashbacks should be done. So, I agree with you on that.

    Daniel Wickie
