Monday, August 19, 2013

Mystique Poll Results

Ok  the bonus weekend poll has come to an end. After 138 are the results...
It looks like Rebecca Romijn's foot dominated her way into the hearts of fans. She proved to be the fan favorite claiming the top spot with 34 votes. In second place was the X-men evolution Mystique and third place was a tie between Comic Book Mystique and Jennifer Lawrence.As for the rest of the Mystiques, they all made the scoreboard and even the lowest voted version of her had 10 votes under her belt. :-)

Ok...I already posted the best Rebecca's foot scenes as part of the megatribute ( but just to honor her win here is a bonus clip showing the makeup preparation it took for her to get into character along with some closeups on her feet.

Alright that's basically it for now...Thanks very much for voting everyone and as always more to come soon. :-D


  1. Oh yeah...who was my personal favorite? Romijn all the way. :-D Her smackdown of Senator Kelley was the best foot beating I've ever seen any character give in a live action film.

    I also love 90's animation Mystique and the comic books version of the character too

    Anyway great voting everyone. ^_^

  2. And that's why I voted for her, cuz she was always barefoot. Best scene was her first appearance in the first X-Men movie where we not only saw an excellent shot of her feet, but she put her feet on the senator's face. I was like "I wish I was the senator."

    1. That's a great reason. :-D Yeah I really wish I was that Senator in that scene too. ^_^
