Saturday, September 7, 2013

Hawaiian Feet Conclusion Part 3: Kim Possible

Ok as promised here is the last and final part of the Hawaiian triple feature. This one deals with another crossover episode featuring the hot special agent Kim Possible.
(Lilo and Kim cross paths in the Lilo and Stitch Season 2 Episode 9 episode Rufus. Once again I have to give a tremendous Thank You to the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 for capping this episode and organizing these Hawaiian sets. You totally rock Match)

More of Kim Possible's feet can be found in these earlier bonuses to her here:

More Hawaiian Feet can be found in these tributes:

Ok...This basically concludes the Hawaiian set. The crossover episode involving Kim was really fun. I definitely recommend checking it out.

All right guys I have to be away for a couple of weeks and I may not have internet available so this might be my last post for awhile. Just want to thank everyone for a great summer. It's really been a lot of fun.

Best Wishes Everyone!


  1. I had completely forgot they had a crossover, nice last few posts =D, too bad Bonnie didn't get to go to the beach. I like Kim, but Bonnie seems like the type who if she found out about your foot fetish, she might be a little tormetning about it which I like anyway, good luck with what your doing and I'll see ya when ya get back =D. Also I've just started rewatching G Gundam and I remember Rain takes her shoes off for a bit in one episode I'll try to screenshot them the best I can for ya =D

    1. Thanks Destiny Dueler. Yeah I really like Bonnie's dominating personality too. Her voice actress is also mega hot. I managed to do a tribute to her awhile back but I also wish there were more scenes for her too.
      Thanks very much. I'm heading out this evening. It should be an interesting trip. O_O That scene sounds really great.

  2. Nice work. Think you can do that Miss Vavoom request next?
