Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Belated Christmas Post

Hey guys, Happy New Year. Sorry for my disapperance but I've been very busy these last few weeks with the holidays. Okay, I know its about to be 2014 in just 20 minutes but here is a belated Christmas post. Unfortunately a very key picture of this post is missing because I don't have my external hard drive handy now and I can't do much in a hotel room surrounded by family members who won't go the fuck to sleep and leave me alone to do stuff like this.
Rant aside, here is my late post. I swear, I won't take so long with these anymore. I really feel bad for not being up to date with everyone and everything on here.

Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I'm sorry guys, I swear I'll catch u  and start being more active on here.


  1. You don't need to get so worried over trivial stuff. Nobody here is mad at you. Do what you have to do and come here in your spare time.

    Looking forward to hearing from you again. I've missed reading your comments.

    1. Thanks. I appreciate it. Still though, I like this blog and the people here and I try to do my best to be a part of the group

  2. Really hot post Heretichero. ^_^ Hope that you had a great holiday. :-)

    Happy New Years Everyone. All the best in the coming year. ^_^

    1. Thanks man. You too. I'm glad to hear from you again.

  3. Happy New Years to you too =D, and great post

    1. Thanks man. You too. Glad you liked the collection here.

  4. Good to see ya! :D And lovely pics. Girls in Santa outfits are just adorable.

    1. Good to see you too! Sorry I haven't been caught up with your posts on DA. I've got a lot of people to catch up on. Yeah dude, Santa outfits are one of my favorite outfits for anime girls

  5. Oh, well. You know what they say, better late than never, right? Anyway, great photo gallery.

    1. lol true dat. Thanks man. Glad you like the pics I found.
