Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Poll 51 Results

Happy New Year Everyone!!

With the end of the year comes the end of the December poll. After a whopping 794 are the results. ^_^
It looks like Saria's feet guided most voters to her this Christmas. The rest of the candidates were lost in a forest of votes as the cute Kokiri dominated this poll and proved that her feet are the ones that most people would like to snuggle. In second place was Lucy from Elfin Lied and Evangelyne from Wakfu took 3rd place. (Nice to see Wakfu do so well). As for the rest of these women...they all proved to have foot warmers of their own and even the ultra rare Fiona Vie received 9 votes. ^_^

As always a Humongous Thank You to everyone for voting and sharing their opinions and I'll definitely keep them in mind in the future. :-) I know I still have a large backlog of posts to catch up on but I'll definitely add Saria to my list of must post women. :-) Also thanks very much to everyone for making 2013 a really successful year. Not only did Anime Feet break the 1000 post mark, we had a record number of views and posts. :-)

Ok...With 2014 comes a brand new season of Anime Feet blogging. I have a lot of catching up to do and to make up some ground...I'll be posting throughout January. Yup that's right guys a new post every day for the next 30 days. Woo Hoo!!! :-D

On that positive (and maybe slightly overly ambitious) note, I'll end the entry here. ^_^ Tune in this month to see whether I'm successful or I wipe out with my goal. :-)

Until Next Time Everyone!


  1. This is a first. I actually picked my favorite elf based on appearance alone. I was searching for female Elf recommendations to complete the poll and came across Myuria. Once I saw her I knew instantly that this was the female elf whose feet I would love to spend my Christmas with. ^_^

    Anyway Great Voting Guys. :-)

  2. Oh wow! A new post each day? Awesome! :D Looking forward to what you got!

    And I need to catch up on my own posts. I need some new material to cap. :P

    1. Thanks Atomic Chinchilla, just hope that I'm able to deliver on the goal. ^_^;

      I'm looking forward to seeing your future posts too. ^_^

  3. Oh man, a post each day sounds great, can't wait to see what you've got in store for us!

    And I probably would have voted for Tallis if it was the "real" version and not the one from the actual game. Felicia Day is gorgeous, but I swear they let an unpaid intern model Tallis' face!

    By the way, I was just gonna make a suggestion about having more "reader interaction". Maybe when making posts, you could also pose questions about "What would be your ideal situation with her?", "What footwear do you think she looks best in?", etc. Essentially making mini-polls. I really like the whole closer-knit community thing Anime Feet has going on.

    1. :-) Thanks CC.

      I like Felicia too. It's true the character model in the game can't compare with her Live Action Counterpart. ^_^

      That's a good idea...I'll try to incorporate some discussion questions once and awhile. Thanks for the suggestion. :-)

  4. I am still waiting for feet of Female Titan from Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan.

    1. Still need to catch up and watch that one Yasahiro. Will try to do it soon as well. ^_^

  5. I didn't know most of these girls haha so it was weird to choose =D

    1. :-) When I was picking female elves for the poll. I got to 3 or 4 I was familiar with before blanking and had to google the rest. ^_^; As a result a lot of women in this poll are pretty rare. :-) I wound up surprising myself this time around and picking one of the elves I came across over the ones that I actually knew about.

    2. =D I see, I only knew Saria and heard of Lucy

    3. :-) Saria, Sylvanas, and Evangelyne were the original Elves that I thought of. Tauriel and Arwen from Lord of the Rings and Arya from Eragon were also inspirations for this Poll too but I was hesitant to use them because they were mainly live action and literature characters. After that I googled Female Elves and came across this list of elf characters and picked female elves from series that I recognized. I think this poll was probably one of the more challenging ones for me to make and I had to stretch a bit with some of the choices but it was fun to work on. :-)

  6. I voted for Evangelyne several months back. Even though she was in third place, she has some great foot scenes on Wakfu episodes 4 and 6.

    1. I really need to watch Wakfu. Thanks for letting me know about those scenes. ^_^
