Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fathom: Aspen Matthews 2

A little bit of an interlude to the Kampfer sets. I'll post the last girl in a mega post tomorrow but for now here is a quick tribute to the Fathom hottie Aspen Matthews. :-)
(Just some webfinds including artwork from Michael Turner, Eric Basuldua and other artists. ^_^)

More of Aspen's feet can be viewed in this earlier tribute to the character here. :-)

One of these days I'm going to read all four series and cap every scene in them. :-D Michael  Turner's artworks is really amazing. ^_^

Ok guys I'm in the process of working on a huge tribute for tomorrow to close out the January marathon with a bang.  It's one of those bonuses where stocking up on ice might prove useful. :-)

On that note...more to come soon!!


  1. I've also thought about reading Fathom sometime. The premise sounds interesting enough, and a heroine who spends all her time in a bikini doesn't hurt. XD Looking forward to what you've got to close out the month tomorrow! :)

    1. Thanks Atomic Chinchilla. :-D The heroine spending a lot of time in a bikini is definitely a big draw for me too. :-D Hopefully the finale won't disappoint. ^_^
