Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Magic the Gathering: Olivia Voldaren / Poll of the Month 59

This post came about by coincidence. I was browsing TV Tropes trying to find interesting female vampire for this month's Halloween themed poll and came across this lovely woman. Interestingly enough TV troupes doesn't have a troupe based on female vampires (really a missed opportunity ^_^;). However, if you were to click on Vampire'll find that Olivia Voldaren is their poster girl.  If the barefoot image wasn't enough to get me to research her...the caption sure was. :-)
For those that are interested in some background information, in the Magic the Gathering world Vampires exist within the plane of Innistrad. Originally there were 12 vampire bloodlines but only 4 of them have survived and remain active...the Falkanrath clan, the Markov clan, the Stormkirk clan and the Voldaren clan. Olivia is the founder and namesake of the latter clan. Before she became a vampire, she was reclusive and a bit anti-social maintaining a hermetic lifestyle. Vampires in her clan tend to keep this trait living in distant and remote locations. They are also particular adept and magic and transformations able the take on animal forms such as bats, cats and rats.

As a vampire Olivia is both playful and cruel. She is known among her peers for throwing elaborate and extravagant parties something that the vampire nobility are always eager to attend.  She enjoys traveling and likes to watch the victims lose their faith before she kills them. Just to give you guys an idea of how twisted she is...she organized a vampire holiday where vampires kidnap a frightened victim to be their special "King or Queen" for a 3 day period. At the end of the holiday the vampires would kill and share their victim's blood among themselves. As a high level vampire, Olivia has special abilities such as flight and hypnosis available to her making her a really powerful opponent to come across.

Though she can be somewhat unpredictable like a lot of powerful female vampires, I can't help imagining what it would be like to be a footslave to her. If you survive the experience...I imagine it could be quite an enjoyable.

Following up on you've probably already noticed, this month's poll explores that very scenario. If a female vampire decided to make you a slave to her feet...who would you want it to be. As always voting is relatively anonymous and you don't need register to vote so anybody who wants to can participate in it. A special thank you to His Divine Shadow for helping me select the initial candidates for this poll. I also left the other option open so that people can add in other female vampires if they like. I'm really curious to see which female vampire is your favorite.

Have fun everyone!!


  1. Vampire ladies are a good idea for an October poll! Though I'm personally not a fan of being bitten and having my blood sucked out. XD Since I'm not familiar with any of the characters in the poll, I'm just gonna default to Saya because I really dig girls with short hair. :P

  2. :-D Yeah there does seem to be a bit of a downside to being in a relationship with a female vampire. ^_^;

    Yeah Saya is really hot! That's a great choice. ^_^

  3. lets see, one of the girls is a Vampire and a Tomboy, i bet you know which beauty im voting for

    1. Heh heh...A lot of Saya fans. ^_^ I can't say I blame you guys...she is an awesome character. :-D

    2. Saya? No i was talking about Seras

  4. For the poll I voted for Reiri I've always had a thing for her =D

    1. O_O Hot Choice Destiny Dueler. I really need to watch Princess Ressurection...she seems like a cool character. ^_^

    2. She is and she's really funny =D well it's hard to explain how she is but she likes giving others a playful time espicially Reiza the werewolf =D

    3. O_O Wow...Princess Resurrection has definitely moved up a couple of spots in my Watch list. A playful vampire seems really awesome.
