Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Poll 58 Results

The 58th poll of the month has finally come to an end. After a whopping 757 votes...Here are the results...
Let me just give a big thank you to Breakthewalls for helping me come up with characters for this one. Coming up with female demon hunters proved particularly tricky and we spent two days scouring the net for rare and interesting characters for this one. You rock Tristan. :-)

Ok...It looks like Mikasa seriously took down her competition. With 308 votes she was well ahead of the runner up Faye Valentine. In a distant third was Miss Fortune. The rest of these women did ok and all of them proved to have at least a couple of fans who wouldn't mind being captured by them.

As always, I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who voted. I really appreciate you guys sharing your opinions and I'll try to  It looks like a marathon watch of Attack on Titan is definitely in my future and a tribute to Mikasa Ackerman will definitely happen here in the future.

:-) Gotta love October. I have an interesting Halloween themed poll which I'm planning to post tonight as well as some other fun tributes planned over the course of the month.

On that note...more to come soon!


  1. Just in case you guys were wondering, my personal favorite of this set was Faye Valentine with Mikasa being a close second. I like Miss Fortune too. Great voting everyone. :-)

  2. That's who I voted for =D Mikasa is to me just a clone of Rukia haha. I wish Faye would've won =D

    1. O_O Didn't think of that comparison before...she does sort of look like Rukia. :-) Yeah Faye is really hot. ^_^

  3. Voted for Faye, too! Started watching Cowboy Bebop for the first time recently and she's a really fun character. :D
