Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Poll 69 Results / Magical Transformation Girl Poll

Ok the Dark Queen Poll has come to an end. After 683 Votes...Here are the Results!!
It looks like Marceline sucked in the most votes for this one. In second place was Queen La from Tarzan and Queen Beryl from Sailor Moon took 3rd. Don't feel too bad for the rest of these women. They all managed to claim loyal foot minions of their own and none of them received less than 4 votes.

As always I want to give a Tremendous Thank you to everyone for voting and sharing their opinions and I'll try to keep them in mind for future tributes. I know I'm a couple of Winner's tributes behind but I'll try to catch up this month. ^_^

Ok wasting no time... the new poll is already up. A special thank you to Flynn Mars for recommending this one. This poll is dedicated to Magical Transformation girls and asks you if you were given the opportunity to be a foot servant to a team of Magical Transformation women... which group of girls would you want to serve. As always voting is anonymous and you don't need a blogger account to vote so anybody that wants to can participate. I'd love to see which team is your favorite. ^_^

Ok everyone... That's basically it for tonight. Have an exciting November and as always... more to come soon!


  1. Oh yeah almost forgot... for the Dark Queen poll my personal favorite choice was Sylvanas Windrunner. She is so hot. This one was tricky though because there were a lot of sexy dark queens whose feet I would love to belong to. Anyway Great voting guys!

  2. So Marceline huh? Sure she has one episode where she has flip flips on but Adventure Time has that weird deformed animation style so... I guess I don't get the point... I know it's tradition and all but...

    Anyway I'm still sad Queen Bee only pulled 7. I know she's relatively unknown but IMO depending on how she's drawn she's easily hotter than some of the other choices.

    1. It came as a surprise to me too. I guess cause the cartoon is popular. ^_^

      Yeah I'm almost certain the low amount of votes is more due to rarity of the character rather than hotness. I think that DC should really feature her more so that she becomes well known. Lucinda is the same... very very hot character but so obscure that it's hard for people to recognize.

  3. Dont get me wrong. I like the show. Pilot Episode has Finn making a "I meant hot as in temperature not as in sexy!" "Mmmmmmhmmmm..." When describing the fire guy that passes out on his lawn. Then later he beats the Ice King by running up and punching him in the gut. It's just that Marceline's feet are literally white ovals... *sigh*

    Yeah. I'd never heard of her before I played Justice League Heroes... But like for example Sindel had more votes and she's honestly kinda gross looking lol

    1. Heh heh it seems like a funny series. Oh yeah I knew what you meant. :-) I agree that animation isn't that detailed.

      :-) I guess when it comes down to it recognizability trumps appearance in voter's minds to a certain degree. Oh I like Sindel though it probably depends on how eerily she is depicted. I guess it helps that she's Kitana's mother and shows off her legs.

    2. Oh ok, so we're on the same page lol

      I suppose. I still don't think Sindel is all that hot though. Kitana is but that's about it lol

    3. :-) Yeah.

      I think she's all right. She's not at the top of my list for Mortal Kombat women though. My favorites is probably Sonya. I like the 3 assassins as well. ^_^

    4. I never played much MK growing up. All I know is 90% of the characters started as palette swaps before becoming individual characters lol. Don't know if they started it but... Tvtropes uses it as the flagship example xD Anyway my point is I don't have a favorite lol. I can agree that Sindel is "Ok" but... I gotta give her like a drunk 6 at best xD Oh my standards for fictional characters... lol.

      For the current poll though... Hyperdimension all the way! No one beats out Plutia/Iris Heart in my book. And I do mean all time across all mediums.

    5. :-D Very familiar with the Earlier MK games myself. Yeah they used Palette swapping a lot especially with the Ninjas. ^_^ Yeah about a 6 or 7 in my book too.

      :-D Iris is really great.

    6. Lol. Your standards are lower then lol. I stick with DRUNK 6 and that's with not using Iris Heart as the standard in which case the number would be much lower... In this whole arbitrary scale.

      G.O.A.T. = Greatest of all time ;-) lol. Still she wins in personality and looks so... Yeah lol

    7. Also: You should have a mini poll asking people what they base their decision on. I'm kinda curious if it just boils down to "Who's the most well known". Cause I'm calling this polls results already: Sailor Moon, because EVERYONE who grew up or was around in the 90's knows it. Some some characters automatically get a handicap. Know what I'm sayin?

    8. I think the difference in our ages is coming into play. When I grew up Mortal Kombat was at peak popularity so I have a soft spot for the girls in it. ^_^

      Lol... she's awesome.

      Yeah it's a good way to research... I can almost guarantee that familiarity plays a role in the voting decision. Attractiveness of the characters definitely plays a role but people like to vote for characters they know. Barefoot moments influences the poll too as well and I've also found that anime/cartoon characters seem to have an advantage as well when I mix mediums.

    9. Just a little lol

      Indeed :-D

      Hmmmmmm... Psychology at work! xD I usually put priority on hotness, then familiarity, it's rare but I've voted for total unknowns before and barefoot moments don't influence my decision one way or the other. I have to like the character... For example Nina from Code Geass could have 50 barefoot moments and I wouldn't vote for her if you put a gun to my head... You should watch it... My reasoning is quite justified... lol I just remembered Abridged made her a retarded alien xD Ranting lol

    10. :-D

      Yeah. ^_^

      :-) Yup. I could see it going either way for me. Seeing that a character is hot definitely makes me interested in her but there's also something to be said for familiarity. If I like a character's personality or over the course of a series a character has grown on me... I'm more likely to pick that character. I think that sometimes it's a need to see a certain character barefoot that causes a character to get voted in. Wow Nina must have done some messed up things for you to hate her so vehemently.

    11. Yeah I agree. Except sometimes it's wishful thinking and no scenes exist lol.

      Oh the memes... Hmm... In addition to being a creepy bitch, a obssessive lesbian stalker, a flaming racist (You should see the gross face she makes when there are too many Japanese people in one area)... There's the War Crimes... She invented a roided out mech portable super nuke and then has the audacity to act shocked when it's used to kill millions of innocent civilians... So there's that. I wont go into too much story detail. Pretty late in the series. If you want look up Table-Kun. That should clear things up xD

    12. Yeah... so far we've been really lucky though and that has only happened in one or two cases.

      Dayam. She's messed up. ^_^;

    13. Depends on what you count. Some are really good and some are barely visible and way zoomed out or like 1 frame lol. They cant all be Medusa though I suppose xD

      Yeah... Did you look up any Table-Kun memes?

    14. Yes. ^_^

      A few. She seems to really like her furniture.

    15. Yup lol

      Oh boy... xD In the series if you know the context it's just creepy but in Abridged I couldn't stop laughing! Anyway it's not necessarily that she enjoys raping furniture it's that for whatever reason she used it to masturbate while thinking of Lelouch's sister, who happens to be a Princess who is both way out of her league and social standing... In terms of creepy lesbians she takes the cake... Sure for example Kuroko in Railgun is a pervert and sometimes her crush punches her if she gets to handsy but at least she isn't a total weirdo like Nina. It's just that Nina's crush is just way too nice to be mean to anyone, IIRC she might also be totally oblivious to Nina's advances.

    16. :-)

      Wow just wow. Heh heh I'm sure both of those types of Lesbians are tropes.

    17. Yeah... Yeah Tropes, Lesbians in anime are either always evil, comic relief, or obsessive stalkers. Comic relief and evil are the most common among the dozens of animes I've watched. I've only seen obsessive stalker in one or two. Once or twice I've seen a normal portrayal, but they never said if they were lesbians or not, it was left ambiguous. And it might be a case of single target sexuality rather than straight up Lesbian. Senran Kagura is the example by the way. Katsuragi is clearly a lesbian and her teammates both respect her and put up with her shenanigans. Haruka also seems to fancy women, especially submissive ones and Masochists but she also enjoys playing with the extremely rare males that appear in the series, though always faceless and nameless. While Imu has the hots for her teammate Miyabi. Yagyu also has the hots for Hibari, but the latter two are more single target sexuality.

    18. Heh heh you can imagine how the portrayal of a Foot Fetishist would be from that. At least they have the occasional normal portrayal among them. O_O I think I have to watch Senran Kagura. It seems like it would have some fun moments. ^_^

    19. Yeah... He he... :/ Very rarely but yes, wish it was more common honestly

      Oh Asuka has some foot scenes in the anime come to think. Her fear of frogs makes her do the anime thing where she somehow instantly falls on her face with her legs up in the air. There might be a beach episode too. SK was built around fanservice in the first place lol

      Granted when I say anime I also mean anime styled games as well (Such as Hyperdimension), as the tropes are the same. SK anime was decent, but the games are where it's at xD If you really want to get to know the characters that is. The anime doesn't tell you that Suzune is self-conscious about her age for example, even though she's in her mid 20's.

    20. Oh crap! I forgot about RED from the second Neptunia game! Check all the boxes. Openly gay: Check. Has an accepting group of friends (And even enemies): Check (She even wants one of the villains to join her harem, on the sole virtue that she thinks she's cute and she wants to give her a punk makeover lol). Reaction to her advances? More often than not flattery. I think she's the perfect example of how a character should be handled. Plus she's freaking adorable. ;-)

      Speaking of Hyperdimension... Even if they don't win... Look into a tribute... There are a TON of beach scenes between the the four main series games (The 4th game Megadimension has like 4 bath house scenes and a shower scene). Since each one has and art gallery to view all the screens you get during the story and from secret events. That's just not counting the spinoffs... If you include those... Pictures for days xD Gold mine here! For example one of the human characters, Tekken doesn't even own a pair of shoes. It's actually brought up in dialogue a few times. Oh and pretty much every character has a swimsuit alternate outfit. Though I actually like MAGES. outfit the best... It's just a summer dress but she doesn't wear sandals or flip flops like most of the other girls. Camera zooms in kinda close during her EXE Drive move when her feet touch down after she finishes levitating. Just wish the graphics were a bit better before Megadimension. They're not bad by any means but Megadimension being on PS4 instead of 3 or Vita helps somewhat lol

    21. :-)

      O.O Wow. Seems like it really is worth the watch.

      Really have to try to play the game series.

      Heh Heh Red seems really cool. ^_^

      :-) Definitely. O.O Wow that sounds so awesome. Really have to try to get ahold of those. It sounds spectacular. Dayam. O.O

    22. Yup lol. This I actually prefer subbed which is the exception to the norm for me. I'm just so used to the game's VAs that English just sounds weird... Side rant lol

      The SK games are only on Vita. Estival might be on PS4 though.

      Oh I love her. She's just so stinkin cute

      Ha ha... The amount of hours you need to sink for some of the secret scenes... I'm sure they're online though. Stills like that usually are. Well MAGES. is second only to Plutia in my book so... There's that... Gotta love the eccentric mad scientist types ^_^

    23. Lol... I think a lot of the time it's whatever version we are familiar with... we naturally prefer.



      Heh heh it must be quite a challenge. ^_^ Yeah have to look around online. Hot!!!! Definitely an interesting combo.

    24. Yeah lol. Though nowadays dubs are universally usually pretty good. Unlike some of the terrible ones from the 90's lol

      Yeah lol. I got Estival on Vita for the obvious reasons that my mom never knocks before entering a room ever. Which makes her a hippocrate since we have to announce before we come into the basement where she lives. Anyway with me having the smallest room in the house there's no way to reorient my Tv to face away from the door lol. Man I gotta stop ranting xD I checked, Estival is on PS4


      Standard JRPG stuff lol. Good luck ;-) Oh and she's obsessed with Dr. Pepper xD It's great lol

    25. :-) Yeah voice acting in general has improved by leaps and bounds.

      There are advantages to a portable game. Man that's a serious pain. ^_^; Hopefully it takes advantage of the PS4 graphics.


      Neat... She seems like a fun character. ^_^ In terms of Soda... I like Root Beer myself.

    26. Tell me about it xD

      Yeah :/ Graphics for EV are slightly better on PS4 but it's marginal, it's mostly load times. The SK series has always had beautiful artwork and character designs

      Oh she is. ;-) I like Mountain Dew lol

    27. :-)

      At least it's a little better I guess. Load times. ^_^; That's awesome.

      Neat. ^_^ Heh heh Great Mountain Dew is a good one.

    28. lol. When I say marginal I mean you need a microscope to to tell the difference between the versions of EV, it's the exact opposite of Hyrule Warriors on Wii U vs DS lol

      Stereotypical gamer drink lol. xD

    29. Lol Oh then the Portable one seems the way to go.

      :-D Maybe because of the high caffeine content.

    30. Yeah lol. Unless you live alone lol

      Most likely lol

    31. :-) Yeah... even if you don't. I think if the graphics are identical... the portable one should get the edge.^_^


  4. Replies
    1. Heh I didn't think of that. That is definitely true. If you want to vote for them... I'll add them in an option. ^_^

    2. Speaking of equestria girls, Sunset Shimmer maybe soon?

    3. I want to give Brony Rebellion X and Bambino first chance to post her since they expressed interest in the film/series. I'll get it though if they are not up for doing her.

    4. Looks like we may be doing another sailor win. :/

    5. It's inevitable. They're too well known :/ Called it day one lol

    6. :-) Yeah the senshi seem to be doing pretty well.

      They Ponies are in good shape though. They had a late start and they managed to gallop into second place. They may pull ahead before this is over.

    7. As always lol

      Seriously that many Bronies? Now I'm really curious of the demographic...

    8. :-D Have they won that many? I think Serena won 1 way back.

      :-D There are a lot.

    9. I think practically every poll they've been in IIRC. I've only started checking in every day for about the past year or so

      Wow... That's surprising to say the least

    10. Maybe a couple in the past year or so. In general the anime with the highest win record though is Pokemon.

      It has it's fanbase. ^_^

    11. Ah, feels like more. Did they win all of the polls they were in? Again EVERYONE knows Pokemon. My grandma would recognize it if I said the name xD It's that well known lol

      Yeah lol

    12. :-) Not every poll but they win a lot. Misty, May and Dawn have each won polls of their own and a couple of Pokemon gym leaders have won as well. May and Dawn have even won the tournaments of champions going up against other poll winners. Heh heh yeah... it is a classic series. ^_^

    13. Hmmm... Still I think certain characters naturally get a handicap by virtue of being universal pop culture icons. For example if you ever included Spinerette I'd vote for her in a heartbeat but her webcomic isn't that well known. She does get the title image on Tvtropes for How do I shoot web though which is how I found out about it, so maybe I'm wrong. It's just that IRL I have to tell people to read it because it's amazing for breaking all the stereotypes of the superhero genre and having a lesbian protagonist. Greatest example: The black character is NOT called Black Tiger. It's just Tiger and he gets enraged when people such as the news automatically put black in front of it, even though it rolls off the tongue better. There's also a crossdressing Canadian superhero with no powers and he's the team leader. And don't even get me started on the Denmother after Tiger retires called Super MILF... I could talk about Spinerette for days. Oh man and there's that part where Spinerette actually kills her villain because he's way to dangerous to be kept alive, smashing another trope. And then other times it plays on tropes for laughs. Such as heroes just knowing how to use their powers automatically. Heather tries a Spiderman and is shocked when she finds out that her spinerete glands are actually near her tailbone. It's so funny because she does the stance and hand gestures and everything. Oh and she works out of Ohio because not every superhero fights crime in New York or LA. It does exist in small towns. And since there are no tall buildings she takes the bus or hitches a ride with her flying friend Mecha maid. Tvtropes is also the reason I binged Symphogear (Oh wait another lesbian MC that's a normal example. How do I keep forgetting?! Also never explicitly stated but it is painfully obvious) and found out about Good Luck Girl which is an amazing anime with a mostly horrible protagonist, her personality I mean it takes almost the whole run of the series to get used to xD It is one of the funniest animes I've seen in a long time lol

    14. One of the cool things about including rarer characters into the poll is that it help introduce people to someone new. ^_^

      Wow Spinerette definitely seems like a really cool series to read. Seems like they had fun playing against hero cliches. :-D Gotta love TV Tropes.

    15. That is true ^_^

      You should read it. *Hint hint* It's ongoing but I may do a reread for the CBWF chapter/s :-D Though I have an idea where to start. There's two very good places. One where Heather gets super drunk so she can be open and try to "seduce" her crush and another where everyone except her (due to drug immunity) gets infected with a rage drug the water system was spiked with and her crush is royally pissed with her for being "ashamed" of her and never showing PDAs or even holding hands in public kinda thing. Good place to jump off for a domination type story as this character is usually pretty chill.

    16. :-)

      Yeah I definitely have to read this one. O.O :-D Both possibilities sounds really awesome.

    17. You could always go a few pages a day. I don't think it would hurt your schedule too much. I would say a whole chapter a day but since they're usually about 30 pages. I don't think you'd manage it with your past track records. No offense. But around chapter 8 or so things start to get really good when the *Dun dun dun!* moment happens. And then the Glass saga is just balls to the wall intense for the entire duration of the arc. So much so that the next chapter is a palette cleanser. Yeah it's a fun one ^_^

    18. Yeah the nice thing about a webcomic is you can read it in bursts at your leisure. I'll try... maybe the next opportunity I get to binge read. It really does sound like it's awesome to read.

    19. It does update twice a week as well. So I check back every 3 months and about 1 - 2 full chapters are usually done. I do wanna re-binge all 20something again lol

    20. In theory I'll probably be able to catch up and then get stuck waiting for the newest chapter as well.

    21. lol I'll hold you to that xD I try to not think about it in the off time but I hate waiting on a cliffhanger... For example in one that wasn't finished at the time Mecha maid accidentally gets blown up by her own rocket... Next panel that I was waiting on Spinny threw a sack of flour to block it. But you would never guess something like that lol

    22. :-) Wow it seems really fun.

      So far the only webseries I've been reading regularly is Dangerously Chloe about a Succubus. The wait times for the next chapters are agonizing and like you I try to let them accumulate a bit so that I can read it in bursts. ^_^

    23. :-)

      If you're ever looking for another web comic series to keep you busy... I definitely recommend it. ^_^

  5. Love to see the W.i.t.c.h girls get the score. Anyway, check out the newest anime Shuumatsu no Izetta because there's some nice feet scenes especially in the second episode.

    1. :-D I like the W.I.T.C.H. girls as well. O.O Sounds awesome. I'll look into it... thanks for recommeding it. ^_^

  6. I'd love to see the Winx girls get the win. They do have some nice scenes in their comics.

  7. Wow, we go from one poll where none of the options strike my fancy to a poll with too many choices!

  8. I voted for Dakki she's evil as can be but she's pretty hot too XD

    1. O.O Wow. Yeah she's probably the cruelest of this group but definitely hot though. :-D
