Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Princess Resurrection: Riza Wildman

Update: 11/5 6 New Caps Added courtesy of the Master of Sole Shots.

Ok one last supernatural themed tribute for you guys. A hot werewolf from Princess Resurrection. 
(These are combination of caps from the Princess Resurrection anime episodes 4, 18 and 19. Massive Thank Yous to Dean Lawrence and Match25 (The Legendary Master of Sole Shots) for tracking down and capping Riza's barefoot scenes. Additional Thank yous to Destiny Dueler and Venom for recommending this series as well. ^_^)

Other Princess Ressurrection Tributes

Riza Wildman (Liza Wildman in the English version of the series) is the daughter of Volg Wildman, a powerful Werewolf, and a human mother. She joins with the title character of the series Hime to investigate the death of her brother in the series. As a Half-Breed Werewolf Riza has incredible strength, speed and durability. She also has heightened senses and like other werewolves her powers are enhanced by the full moon. When she's not as strong as a full blooded werewolf, her intelligence is better though she likes to tackle things head on. Personality-wise as her name suggests tends to be pretty wild. She acts rashly and likes fast vehicles. She definitely isn't shy and has no embarrassment when her clothes accidentally come off. She has her own code of honor. It's also worth noting that Riza has a crush on the male lead in the series and teases him a bit. She also gets jealous when she sees her vampire rival in the series flirt with him.

I haven't watched Princess Resurrection all the way through but I like Riza a lot. The fact that she is a sexy redhead definitely makes it a lot easier. She has a fun personality being very forward and aggressive with her opinions but there's a playful teasing side too. She's definitely a great fighter and it's cool to watch her fight. She has a strong loyalty to her friends which you have to admire. ^_^

Ok everyone... only two more days in the marathon left. :-) Until next time. ^_^


  1. Ah this is fun anime ^_^ Saw it a few years ago. The lake episode has a hot domination scene where she beats up a fishman and straddles him while the full moon rises in the background. The look in her eyes is... Ahem... It's also the only example where I think the werewolf is hotter than the Vampire if two female examples exist.
    Unfortunately I cant fine one where her eyes are open but you get the idea.

    1. :-D Only got a chance to see a select few episodes but it did seem really fun. Heh heh I saw that scene... that was massively hot!!! Yes it's true. Most of the time the vampires are usually hotter but Riza really breaks that trend. I think she's one of the hottest wearwolves out there.

      :-D That image puts one in need of a cold shower.

    2. Oh well you saw one of the best episodes lol. Yeah I felt conflicted at first xD But Liza's just so hot and Reiri is just less likable I think. I would like Reiri more if her personality was different maybe. If you watched the whole series it would come together a little better lol. Overall she's just kind of a bitch but not in the good way... The way that comes off as *Noblewoman laugh* I'm so much better than you peasants. Ranting again but yeah. Liza's super sexy :-D

      Lol yup

    3. Oh that's good. ^_^ O.O Wow wouldn't have guessed that. I only got a small dose of the Vampire in episode 18 and thought she seemed cool as well though by that point I had already fallen for the redheaded werewolf. Of course it's clear Hiro lucks out in the series quite a bit having all when all four female characters offered to have a bath with him. Yeah Liza seems great. ^_^


    4. Lol yup. Ah. See you have to see the whole thing to understand the small nuances of Reiri's personality. For example IIRC she just randomly shows up at Hime's mansion from time to time to pester Liza who also just kinda chills there. Though by the end of the series they end up being frenemies. But yeah gotta love Liza

    5. Oh and I think she also enslaves him temporarily the first time they meet... It's been too long...

    6. O.O Seems like a complex character. Really? How does Liza react to that? :-) I guess that a cool outcome. Yeah she's awesome.

      O_O Wow... That's pretty hot too.

    7. Yeah lol. They're rivals so they're just annoyed by each other's presence. Yeah lol. :-)

      Yeah :-) It's been so long since I saw it lol

    8. It must be fun to watch them go at it. ^_^


      Between Riza, Halo and Clawdeen... This year has been really great for putting attractive wolves on my Radar. ^_^

    9. Yeah it's usually pretty funny lol

      Must be lol ^_^

  2. Tomboys are always hot

    also i think you forgot a picture where she is sleeping and she has her bare foot out

    1. :-D Yes definitely.

      O.O Do you know what episode that is? I haven't been watching the series in order.

  3. Does she ever fully transform cause I would've loved to see sexy werewolf feet

    1. She is half werewolf, she only can change her arms.

    2. That's bull, you never see female werewolves that often

  4. Oh? Who's that cute little girl she's carrying?

    1. Ah, nice! If this isn't her only barefoot scene, can we expect a tribute to her soon?

    2. Maybe... She's more of a side character though. This might be her only episode.

  5. OH WOW some great caps of Riza, hard to find her

    1. Thanks... Yeah not nearly enough material out there of this beautiful werewolf. ^_^
