Friday, October 20, 2017

31 Days of Halloween: Fox (Gargoyles)

Fox is the daughter of Halcyon and Anastasia Renard. Unlike her father, Fox had no interest in strong moral principles such as integrity and responsibility, preferring a life of excitement and scheming. When she was twenty-five years old, her parents divorced. This event, and the marital problems that proceeded it, greatly affected Fox's views on love and relationships. If you're wondering why she's part of the 31 Days of Halloween it's because the engagement present that Xanatos presented Fox with was the Eye of Odin, which transformed her into a sort of werefox that ravaged New York at night, while also draining her life-energy away. Xanatos and Goliath managed to save her in a temporary alliance, however, and it was during this adventure that Xanatos realized he truly loved Fox. Not long afterwards, Fox and Xanatos were married. Also fun fact Fox wears size nine shoes, and is fond of manolos. And before you say it YES I’ve noticed just now that someone already posted her it’s just that so many people got deleted here I just assumed Fox was one of them.


  1. :-D Awesome. I like Fox a lot. Side question. For the Fun facts... where did you get that information. It's pretty cool. ^_^

  2. I miss this show so much, makes wish it were in Kingdom Hearts, but that'll never happened.
